Meeting The Parents (Shelby Goodkind)

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Y/N introduces Shelby to her moms, Nicole and Waverly. Shelby is a nervous wreck. Shelby lives with Martha and Toni (just friends) in this one shot. Brief mentions of homophobia. 

"Shelbs, it's going to be fine. Quit pacing a hole in the floor," Toni sighs.

"What if they don't like me?" Shelby asks worriedly.

"They'll like you fine, dude. Martha, tell her," Toni replies, flopping onto Martha's bed dramatically. 

"Shelby, they will like you. I've met them before and they're really nice. Now, how about I help you pick out an outfit and I'll even do your hair, okay?" Martha suggests.

"That would be lovely. Thanks, Marty," Shelby smiles.

"Of course. Toni, move so I can get up," Martha demands. Toni grunts in protest, but rolls over so Martha can get up. 

Martha helps Shelby choose a yellow sundress and a blue jean jacket. Shoes wise, they choose some white sandals. As well as doing Shelby's hair, she does some light makeup for her. 

"There. Perfect. Whatcha think, Toni?" Martha asks.

"You look good, Shelby. I'd hit that if it weren't for Reagan," Toni smirks, causing both Shelby and Martha to roll their eyes at their friend.

"Shelby, dear! Y/N's here," Martha's mother, Bernice, calls from the kitchen.

"Well, I should get going. Bye you two," Shelby replies as she grabs her bag. 

"See you. Good luck, Shelby," Martha smiles.

Shelby goes downstairs to find her girlfriend, Y/N, sitting at the kitchen table with Bernice. The widest of smiles spreads across Y/N's face as Shelby enters. She stands up and pecks the blonde's check in greeting.

"Woah. You look amazing, babe," Y/N, who is wearing some blue jeans and a polka dotted button up, states. 

"Thanks, Y/N/N. Shall we?" Shelby blushes.

"We shall. I'll have her home by 9, Mrs. Blackburn," Y/N promises.

The two head out to Y/N's old blue pickup and get inside. Y/N's place is a short drive away. Y/N holds Shelby's hand the entire time, which helps calm her nerves. Y/N unlocks the door when they arrive.

"Moms, we're here," She calls as she closes the door, locking it behind her and Shelby.

"In the kitchen, honey," Waverly calls to her daughter.

They enter the kitchen. Waverly is preparing the vegan chile while Nicole is setting the table. Y/N smiles back at her with a wide grin. Y/N has always been a mommy's girl, and when she was little her aunt Wynonna would always call her "Mini Nicole" despite her resembling Waverly more than Nicole.

"Hi! Welcome! You must be Shelby. I'm Nicole, and that's Waverly," Nicole introduces. Waverly smiles at Shelby from her place at the stove, who smiles back.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you two. Is there anything I can do to help out with dinner?" Shelby asks politely.

"No need. We have it covered. Please, take a seat. You too, kiddo," Nicole replies.

Shelby and Y/N sit side by side at the table. Waverly and Nicole serve the bowls on warm chile before taking their own seats. They dig in. As usual, the chile is delicious: it's always been one of Y/N's favorites. As they eat, they make small talk. By the end of the night, Nicole and Waverly have discovered how Shelby's parents kicked her out and have told her she is always welcome in their home. 

Y/N drives Shelby home and kisses her goodnight. As Shelby falls asleep that night, a wide smile crosses her face. She's extremely happy that things went well, and feels so lucky that she has someone as amazing as Y/N in her life. 

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