Morning Bargaining (Marina/Reader)

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Y/N has never been a morning person. Maya and Carina are due to their jobs. Cue soft morning fluff.

Maya yawns and opens her eyes as the sun streams in through the window. Smiling, she rolls over to find Y/N and Carina laying in bed beside her. Y/N is in the middle, still fast asleep. She's never been a morning person. Carina is stirring however. Like Maya, she is a morning person due to her job. Opening her eyes, she smiles sleepily at Maya.

"Good morning, bella," she whispers.

"Good morning, love. Glad one of you is awake," Maya smiles.

"Well, you know Y/N loves to sleep in," Carina shrugs.

"Why don't we wake her up?" Maya smirks.

The doctor nods, and the pair begin placing kisses all over Y/N's face and neck. Y/N groans sleepily, mumbling something unintelligible. 

"Bella, wake up," Carina whispers.

"No. Too early," Y/N mumbles, burrowing her head in Maya's chest.

"You're too cute, baby. Carina's right though. We need to get up if we want to be on time for brunch," Maya chuckles. 

"But Maya, Carina... I'm sleepy," Y/N pouts. 

"How about this? If you get up now, I'll make you some Expresso," Carina bargains.

"Expresso and a kiss from each of you, and we have a deal," Y/N replies. 

"Well, how can I say no to that face?" Maya jokes, pecking Y/N's lips. 

Carina rolls her eyes teasingly, also pecking Y/N's soft lips. The Italian gets up to go make the promised Expresso. After another kiss, Maya manages to coax Y/N out of bed. The pair change into their outfits for the day: jeans and a black hoodie for Maya and some camouflage skinny jeans and a loose grey tank top for Y/N. The pair head into the kitchen, where they find Carina pouring the Expresso into three mugs. She smiles at the pair as they slide onto the bar stools. 

"Drink up, bellas," Carina tells them.

"This is delicious, baby. Thank you," Y/N smiles, sipping the warm drink.

"Agreed. Thanks, Car," Maya adds.

"Your welcome. I'm going to get dressed. Be out soon," Carina replies. 

She places a kiss to each of her girlfriends' heads. Carina dresses in a floral button down and some high-waisted white pants. She brushes her hair and teeth before returning to the kitchen. Maya and Y/N have finished their coffee, and the washed mugs sit on the drying rack. Y/N whistles at Carina jokingly, causing the Italian to blush. 

"Aw, look, babe. You made her blush," Maya chuckles, pressing a kiss to Carina's reddened check.

"Adorable. We should head out," Y/N replies as she grabs her car keys.

"Alright. Let's go, bambinas" Carina agrees.

They all slip shoes on and head out, wide smiles on their faces. All three women are so happy that they found one another, and wouldn't change anything about their relationship for the world.

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