Imprinting (Hope Mikaelson)

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Hope imprints on you like in the Twighlight universe. You are a werewolf and imprint on her as well. Reposted from another one of my books.

Y/N has only been at the Salvatore school for a few weeks when she meets Hope Mikaelson for the first time. Y/N is hanging out in Y/N's room with Josie, who has become her friend over the past few weeks, when Hope knocks on the door, looking for Josie.

"Come in," Y/N calls.

Hope enters the room. Their eyes meet, Y/E/C on ocean blue, and Hope sinks to her knees as Y/N does the same. Josie frowns, confused.

"Uh are you two okay?" Josie asks.

"We just imprinted on one another. It's a wolf thing," Hope explains, getting up from the floor, her eyes never leaving Y/N's.

"Oh! I'll give you two some privacy," Josie nods.

The brunette siphoner leaves the room, leaving Y/N and Hope alone. Y/N gets up and sits on the bed. Silence fills the room for a few minutes, both girls taking in what has just occurred.

"I guess we should introduce ourselves. I'm Hope Mikaelson," Hope says, sitting in a chair.

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N," Y/N replies.

"So uh would you like to go out to lunch with me?" Hope asks.

"I'd like that," Y/N smiles.

"Alright. I'll pick you up tomorrow around 11 and we can go into town," Hope replies, smiling.

Hope leaves, and the moment she is gone, door closed, Y/N squeals. She's really excited for her outing with Hope, and hopes it goes well. Y/N knows that just because you imprint on someone doesn't mean you will be mates, but she hopes that maybe they will be.


Lunch goes well, and they end up having lunch together for weeks. Their bond is instant, as if they have known each other their entire lives. Y/N asks Hope out on a proper date, and Hope says yes, having developed a huge crush on the other girl. They go to the lake, and have a picnic. They end up kissing when Hope drops Y/N off at her room. Their bond only grows from there.

After about a month of dating, Hope asks Y/N to be her girlfriend. Y/N's response is to kiss the tribrid passionately. Hope giggles at this, tangling her fingers through Y/N's Y/H/C locks. They instantly become the center of attention, which neither of them loves as they are both rather reserved.

That leads us to now, about a year into their relationship, where Y/N is curled up in Hope's arms, still fast asleep, having spent the night with the tribrid. Hope is wide awake, but doesn't want to get out of bed yet as she just wants to stare at her girlfriend. She admires the way Y/N's lisp are curled into a slight smile, even as she sleeps. The tribrid has found her feelings for the other girl growing more and more each day, and knows they are destined to be mates one day. She carefully brushes Y/H/C hair out of her girlfriend's eyes. This causes Y/N to wake up. Her eyelids flutter open, and she frowns sleepily up at Hope.

"Good morning, princess. Sorry I woke you up," Hope whispers.

"It's okay. I like waking up in your arms," Y/N yawns, snuggling further into Hope's embrace.

"How are you so beautiful even this early in the morning? It's not fair," Hope asks.

"You're pretty beautiful yourself, Hopey," Y/N chuckles, pulling Hope down for a kiss.

Hope allows herself to be pulled down, and kisses Y/N's lips lovingly. The tribrid will never get over how soft they are. Their lips move together in perfect synch. Hope's heart swells in her chest. She can't believe someone as amazing as Y/N is her girlfriend. Eventually, the need for air forces them to break apart. They lean their foreheads together, staring deep into each others eyes, ocean blue on Y/E/C.

"I love you, Y/N. Be my mate," Hope whispers.

"I love you too, and I thought you'd never ask," Y/N replies, pulling Hope down to kiss her once again.

This kiss is much more heated than the last, but just as loving. Hope tangles her fingers through Y/N's hair, pulling Y/N ever closer. The tribrid begins kissing down Y/N's neck until she reaches her scent gland.

"Are you sure, baby?" Hope asks.

"I'm sure. I love you. Make me yours," Y/N replies.

Hope bites into Y/N's neck, causing Y/N to whimper at the slight pain. The pain soon vanishes, and it turns into pleasure. The tribrid kisses the mark one more time before pulling away. Y/N smiles at her girlfriend before flipping them over so Hope is beneath her. Y/N brushes Hope's long auburn locks out of the way, and bites into Hope's neck. Hope groans from the sting, but when it vanishes and is replaced with pleasure, she moans and pulls Y/N up for a sweet but short kiss.

Y/N snuggles up to Hope, who wraps her arms around her new mate. They can both feel the love radiating around them, and know they will last forever. The tribrid places a kiss on Y/N's head, causing Y/N to smile.

"I love you, Hope," Y/N says.

"I love you too. I say we spend all day in bed celebrating. It is Saturday, after all," Hope replies, smirking.

Y/N straddles Hope and kisses her. They do end up spending the entire day in bed, most of it with bare bodies. When they finally fall asleep that night, wrapped up in each other's arms, they are both the happiest they have been in a long time, and are so glad they imprinted on one another. 

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