My Mate (Penelope Park)

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Penelope discovers that Y/N is her mate when Y/N gets beat up by Jed after refusing to join his pack (you feel your mate's pain when they get hurt). Hybrid Alpha Penelope and Beta werewolf Y/N. Tw: brief descriptions of violence. (repost from another of my imagines books)

"Hey Y/N. I think you should leave your pack and join mine," Jed smirks as he approaches Y/N in the gym.

"Uh, no. I'm good with being a part of Hope's pack. She's my best friend and basically my sister," Y/N replies.

"I wasn't asking, Y/N. I was demanding. Join my pack or else," Jed threatens.

"I said no," Y/N growls.

"Fine then. You've left me no choice," Jed replies.

He sucker punches Y/N in the stomach and she collapses to the floor. Jed kicks her ribs and face over and over again until she is a bloodied mess. He will soon come to regret his actions, however.


Meanwhile, Penelope is simply eating her lunch when she feels a sharp stabbing pain in her gut. She gasps, clutching her stomach. More pain soon fills her body, and her wolf begins to howl. She knows her mate is being hurt, but doesn't know who her mate is.

Suddenly, her wolf begins to call to her, guiding her to get up. She listens, and follows her instincts. Penelope's instincts lead her to the gym, where she finds Jed beating up Y/N Y/L/N. Mate, her wolf screams, mate.

"Hey! Get away from her, punk!" Penelope growls at Jed.

"No! She refused to join my pack," Jed replies, landing one last kick before turning towards the raven haired hybrid.

"I said get away from her. We both know who the stronger alpha is. Get out of here, or else I will do to you much worse than what you have done to her," Penelope threatens, eye bright yellow.

Jed whimpers and pees himself as he runs out of the gym. He knows that Penelope can beat him to a pulp. She is the stronger alpha after all, being a witch as well as a werewolf. Penelope rushes to Y/N's side, rolling Y/N onto her back and laying her head on her lap. Y/N groans, Y/E/C eyes opening to gaze up at Penelope with wonder.

"Mate? You?" Y/N questions.

"Yeah, me. I felt your pain and my wolf led me to you. Let me call Hope and get her down here so we can heal you up, okay? Then, we can talk," Penelope soothes, texting Hope to get her ass to the gym.

"Okay. Pretty eyes," Y/N nods, struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Hey, keep your eyes open. Look at me. Just focus on my eyes, Y/N," Penelope orders gently.

Y/N gazes up into Penelope's hazel eyes. She smiles weakly at the girl. Y/N, despite the pain, is very excited that she has found her mate, and that her mate is someone as amazing as Penelope Park. Hope soon arrives, gasping as she sees Y/N laying there. She rushes over, biting into her wrist. Y/N drinks Hope's blood, and her wound soon heal. Penelope helps her sit up.

"What happened to you, Y/N?" Hope asks.

"I refused to join Jed's pack and he sucker punched me and beat me up. I'm okay now, thanks to you and Penelope," Y/N tells the tribrid.

"You're her mate, aren't you?" Hope questions Penelope.

"Yes. I felt her pain and my wolf guided me to her," Penelope confirms, smiling at Y/N.

"Okay. I like you, Park, but if you hurt her, I will shred you to bits," Hope threatens.

"Got it," Penelope chuckles.

"I'll give you two some space. Glad you're okay, Y/N/N," Hope replies, kissing Y/N's head before leaving the gym.

"So, can I kiss you now?" Penelope asks, gazing lovingly at Y/N.

"Please," Y/N blushes.

Penelope leans in and kisses Y/N, cupping her face in her hands. Y/N smiles against Penelope's lips. Sparks fly through both of them, and there is no doubt in either of their minds that they are mates.  Weeks later, when they exchange mating bites, Penelope vows to always be there for Y/N and to love her new mate unconditionally, and of course, Y/N vows the same.

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