☁️Karlnap ~ Flower bed☁️

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Karl~Is perfectly fine with shipping/fanfiction/nsfw as long as the other person is ok with it aswell.

Sapnap~Dream has stated that the dream team(Sapnap, Georgenotfound, Dream) are all fine with anything, Sapnap specifically doesn't want to be shipped with BBH (BadBoyHalo <3)

Type: Fluff

Request: None

Ship: C!Sapnap x C!Karl


3rd Person POV

Karl lied down in a field of vibrant multicolored flowers, each one much different from the one across it. The sun beamed on his face, making his cheeks glow with warmth. A soft breeze tickled his nose and eyelashes. Karl had enjoyed days like this, away from drama, away from people, away from war, just alone with peace.

Not too long ago, Karl was quite overwhelmed with the environment around him, so he decided to get away from it and traveled. On his exploration for peace, he came across the graceful flower field he'd be resting on in current time, he had built a beautiful pond, a swing, a small cabin, and a bench. Among what Karl had made single-handedly, the natural flower bed was his favorite part. He loved the feeling on the flower's soft petals and leaves as they massaged his ears and cheeks, the grass fondling with his light brown hair and look lightly pricking at his spine. Here, he could rest without having a care in the world.

Although Karl may have been connecting with his thoughts and the Earth, 50 blocks in the distance was an old friend that Karl hadn't seen in a while, Sapnap. Sapnap hadn't been up to too much, or anything at all for that matter. Sapnap could lie and say that he was on an exploration for glory and greatness, but in reality, he had just been trolled and lost his bed which was far from spawn, and now he was lost and extremely far from home.

Sapnap traced his narrow fingertips along nearly-black, thick trees and muchrooms, searching for somewhere to build a new home and start over without being trolled again. As he continued to make his way across the damp forest, he saw a boy in an open area to which the forest had seemed to circle the area. He hid behind a tree and watched, peering to see if he knew who it was. Sapnap had studied the other's features, light brown hair, porcelain-like skin, multi-colored hoodie, black shorts that reached mid-thigh, mitch-matched socks and no shoes. It took him a second to process it, but once he saw a familiar symbol on the middle of the hoodie, he knew exactly who it was.

"Karl?!" He accidentally thought aloud, almost immediately covering his mouth for disturbing the other's peacefulness. Karl slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes as if he had been sleeping. A yawn made it obvious that he had been a moment before.

Karl groaned. "Sapnap?" He said, question in his tone. Karl had looked at the half-hidden body, still quite sleepy.

Sapnap sped over to Karl and stood next to him, crouching down. "Is this where you've been the entire time? We thought you got stuck in the nether or something!" The darker brunette exclaimed, both excitement and confusion drifting along with a voice crack at the end of his words. Karl was now completely awake, and quite happy to see Sapnap. Karl nodded with a smile.

Sapnap had dropped to his knees, proceeding to hug Karl's shoulders. Karl had to process this for a second, then he hugged back tightly. Sapnap rested his head in the crook of Karl's neck, allowing his warm breath to tickle across Karl's neck, warming it up quite a bit. Karl blushed a bit out of embarrassment, trying to control his racing heartbeat. He soon brushed it off with a chuckle as he felt Sapnap smile against his skin. They both stayed like that for a bit longer, until Karl longed for the missing heat on his cooling neck.

"Why didn't you tell us you were leaving? What if you got hurt on the way here? This place is so far from home!" Sapnap wanted to continue to question the lighter brunette, but Karl had already started to answer the first 3 questions.

"I was stressed, and I wanted to go to a peaceful place so I came here." Karl said awkwardly. Sapnap was going to open his mouth to question Karl a but more before the light brunette inturupted. "How about we go inside? It's getting quite late, mobs are going to start appearing." The two nodded and headed into Karl's Cabin.

Sapnap admired the cabin, it wasn't very spacious, which gave it a delicate and warm look. The walls, of course, a dark chocolate color, the floor decorated with blue and green carpet, a small kitchen, dining room, bathroom, lounging room, and bedroom. Over by the corner sat a sleeping wolf with a yellow collar. Suddenly Karl appeared next to Sapnap.

"What would you like to drink? I have Hot Cocoa, Tea, Milk, water, and Coffee" Karl asked, seemingly hyper and excited to have a guest.

"Hot cocoa would be fine, thanks" Sapnap responded. Karl left the room into the kitchen. After about 5 minutes Karl had them both wrapped up in fluffy blankets at the fireplace in the lounging room. They both sipped the hot liquid and made each other laugh at jokes and experiences they had while they were apart.

Once they finished their evening cocoa, they decided that they both needed rest. Sapnap suggested that he'd make a pallet in the lounge while Karl slept in his own bed, but Karl refused and begun a silly argument. In the end, they'd decided that the bed was big enough for the two of them, so they'd sleep together.

Karl had let Sapnap borrow some clothes, which surprisingly fit Sapnap, and they lied down in the bed, backs facing eachother.

They were both wide awake, awkward by the gap in-between the two. They sat like this for some time, then Karl turned around and hugged sapnap's back, attempting to spoon the taller, then Sapnap turned and they both got into a comfortable position. Sapnap was the first to speak before they had fallen asleep.

"Hey, may I ask you a question..?" Sapnap began, Karl nodded his head to this. Sapnap calmed his heart, afraid that Karl would feel it against his forehead. "Would you ever consider...going out with me?" He sputtered out. They sat in silence for a second. "It's ok if you don't want to, I'd never-" Sapnap was stopped by the warmth of Karl's lips pressing against Sapnap's. The two melted into eachother, savoring every touch, hitch of breath, taste, scent, and every second of the current moment. After they pulled away, they cuddled into their position, and fell into the comfort of their dreams.


Hoped you liked this chapter! I'm really not the best at this, but I find it to be cute. Have a wonderful rest of your day <3

1148 words

Published May 19th


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