🌈🍊Pride month Special🍊🌈

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Happy pride month!!! Love all of you💕

Type: Smut-ish

Request: none

Ship: C!Sapnap x C!Dream


Note: I don't have a lime emoji so have another citrus emoji 🍊

Sapnap's POV

Living with Dream would seem like a dream come true, but I would have to differ. Don't get me wrong, he was my best friend and I enjoyed his company, but he could be extremely annoying sometimes. He'd do things like burst into my room and distract me or mess me up in the middle of man hunts and speed runs, or he'd talk over me while I would be chatting with friends, or he'd just plain out poke me to get me annoyed. I wouldn't yell at him or anything, I didn't want to be mean since half the time he just hadn't taken his ADHD medicine, and the other half he was just bored and having fun. But it was a lot to handle.

Right now, I was just playing Truth or Dare with George, Nihachu, Badboyhalo, and Wilbur. Not streaming, just bored and spending time with a couple of friends. I had patches purring on my lap, occasionally moving her head around or clawing at my jeans to be more comfortable. I heard the door quietly creak open, followed by the door being slammed shut.

"What was that??" George yelled out of surprise. I turned around and saw Dream faceplanting into my bed, followed by him bellowing in boredom.

"Just Dream, he's probably bored" I responded with a chuckle, turning off my face cam. "Anyways, continue Nihachu." I said.

"Ok..erm..Wilbur! Truth or Dare?" She asked.

Wilbur hesitated,"Truth" he answered."Hmm, when was the last time you brushed your teeth?" She asked. "About two hours ago after I ate breakfast." He responded. I felt Dream wrap his arms around my neck and watch everyone from behind me, then he bit my ear. I quickly muted my mic and turned myself around. "What was that for?" I asked Dream.

"Nothin', I'm bored and it's hot, I'm doin' whatever comin' to mind..." He said not able to form the sentence properly. His breath smelt like alcohol, so he had to have been drinking.

"Well why don't you go to sleep? I'll treat you to dinner after your hangover..." I responded, wanting me leave me alone. I heard Bad calling my name, so I unmuted.

"Hm? Sorry, Dream was asking me something.." I quickly responded. "Truth or Dare?" Bad said, not minding that he was occupied before.

"Uhhh dare" I said. "I dare you to...um..dump water on your head!" He said. I sighed and signaled Dream to sit next to my desk so I could turn on my face cam. He sat down, I turned on my face cam, and I grabbed my water bottle. I poured some water on my head and shook it off after closing the cap, which spooked patches, making her run away.

"Sorry patches!" I yelled out. The rest of them giggled. I noticed that Dream was no longer next to the desk, but under it facing me. I turned off my face cam once again, not minding that he was under there, and asked Nihachu truth or dare. She had said truth, and I asked him what time it was. She responded with the time, realizing how late it was.

"Well I'm going to log off.. it's quite late now that I realize it, and I have a stream with Wilbur tomorrow." She said, Wilbur nodded and said he would have to go too. We said our goodbyes and they left, leaving Bad, George, and I. We continued the game, asking eachother dares and truthes.

George was busy thinking of a dare for bad, he had ran out of dares a while ago so now he took a bit trying to think of more. Bad and I awaited patiently, until I noticed Dream was starting to rub at my thigh, I attempted to move away his hand, but he only put it back and started to inch at my crotch. I turned off my mic and once again, asked what Dream was doing. He didn't respond this time, instead unzipping my jeans and trying to pull them down, I had pulled them back up and told Dream to go to bed, but he refused. He gripped onto my hands and held them, taking some zip ties that he for some reason just so happened to have in his pocket, and zipped them tight amonst my wrists. I tried getting them of but through my struggle I realized he had also zip tied my legs together. He continued to pull down my jeans, along with my boxers. My cock had sprang up, and Dream latched onto it, pressing his lips against the slit and soon starting to lick around it. Dream hummed onto my cock sending vibrations up my nerves. I realized that I was still muted and it was my turn. I pressed unmute, and George asked what was happening. I said it was nothing and that he didn't need to worry, that was, until Dream deep-throated me, causing me to moan quite loudly.

"DID YOU JUST MOAN?!" George yelled, I quickly left without another second to process what had just happened. George and Bad would definitely question this in the morning.

I turned my focus back to dream, who had now stopped sucking on my cock. "Ha, I was never drunk" he said, taking off the zip ties. I just stared at him in disbelief, then he left the room, leaving me alone on my chair, extremely embarrassed and angered.

Not me listening to Fahraddsattle on loop lol, also, Let's give a happy birthday to Technoblade!! Technoblade never dies!!!!

950 words


Published June 1st, 2021

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