🍋🥀Sinners (pt.2)🥀🍋

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Warning: nsfw

___________3rd POV___________

"So, is this what you do in your free time, Quackity?" Wilbur said, blowing smoke through his nostrils from a cigarette. Quackity scoffed as Wilbur sat back in his seat with an obvious boner.

Quackity gave Wilbur a nasty look, crossing his arms and leaning on his hip.

"This isn't my free time" Quackity said, walking over to Wilbur and taking the cigarette from Wilbur's mouth and putting it in his own. Wilbur playfully grinned at him as he did it. He blew smoke from his mouth, staring at the white streak in Wilbur's hair.

"So what do you wanna do now? Have me give you a blowjob? Drink until the morning? You've got me for the next 12 hours." Quackity said, cigarette in-between his fingers. Wilbur hesitated for a second, then he patted his lap and sat up. Quackity knew what he wanted, and rules being rules, he had to give it to him. Quackity burned out the cigarette in an ashtray and sat on his lap, facing him, from there Wilbur gently set his hands on his waist and studied his figure.

"Your cheeks are tear stained, you've been crying?" He said with a stupid grin on his face.

"That isn't your business." Quackity said, disgusted. Wilbur leaned into his neck and whispered,"You shouldn't be so cocky, I ment it when I said I wanted to have sex with you." Quackity tried to ignore the hot breath hitting his ear as he visualized the flashback, but he felt himself get bothered in a certain area. He squirmed a bit, trying to get comfortable, but Wilbur just chuckled as he rested his head in Quackity's neck. He gasped as he felt Wilbur grasp onto his crotch.

Wilbur pulled Quackity closer, teasing Quackity through his clothing. "You're such a whore, you sinner." Wilbur said, attacking his neck. Quackity refused to let out groans as his cock became painfully erect. Wilbur used his other hand to grab Quackity's thigh as he sucked harder on his skin, trying to force Quackity to moan. Instead, Quackity grabbed Wilbur's face and agressively pulled him into his lips, keeping his eyes trained onto Wilbur's.

Wilbur stood up, holding Quackity up as he walked to the private elevator. Once they were in Wilbur pushed buttons that took them to Quackity's room. While doing so, Quackity undid Wilbur's shirt and belt buckle, catching some air while he still could.

Thankfully, the room was clear once they reached it. Quackity hopped off of Wilbur's waist and went to go lock the doors. Wilbur, in the meantime, sat on Quackity's bed and watched as he did so. Once Quackity was done he walked back over to Wilbur, sitting on his lap once again, but instead this time Quackity continued their make-out session and pushed Wilbur into the bed.

After a bit Wilbur finally let Quackity breath. Quackity trailed down Wilbur's body to his pants and Wilbur sat up on his forearms. Quackity unzipped Wilbur's jeans, and slipped both his jeans and undergarments down his legs. Quackity estimated his cock to be about ten inches, if not nine. Quackity gulped as he now became somewhat nervous, but he was still quite excited. He gave Wilbur a look before chuckling a bit.

"I took enlargement pills long ago" Wilbur admitted.

Quackity rolled his eyes before licking up his cock and putting his mouth at the tip. Quackity tried to dominate for a second by taking him whole already, but he gagged a little more than half way. Wilbur playfully chuckled and sat up to try to make it easier.

"Don't rush yourself..or you'll own up to a slutty title." He said, cupping his hand around the back of Quackity's head. Quackity backed off a bit.

"Says you, fish fucker" Quackity said. Wilbur gave Quackity a devilish grin as Quackity put his mouth back on his dick. Wilbur pushed Quackity's head down, making him gag again, slightly choking. In return of Quackity's remark, Wilbur continued doing this to show who exactly was the dominant one here. Quackity teared up a bit as he gave Wilbur the fuck me eyes. Wilbur smiled and stopped, kissing his forehead. "Wanna try raw?" He asked.

Quackity was surprised from his question, but he agreed, thinking the afterpain would take his mind off whatever came next. He nodded and stood up, pushing Wilbur onto his bed. Wilbur smiled as he watched Quackity remove his garments and crawl onto him. Quackity positioned himself over Wilbur's cock, trying to gain confidence, before he finally sat down on it, whining from the quick pain.

"You're stretched?" Wilbur questioned. Quackity shook his head, "Don't question it." Wilbur chuckled once again as he sat up a bit to hold Quackity's waist.

"You need to hold daddy's hand?" Wilbur teased. Quackity gave him another look, making him laugh. Quackity finally decided he was adjusted enough and started moving himself at a slow pace, allowing himself to whine and moan every so often. Wilbur sighed, forced him off, and flipped him onto the bed. He wrapped Quackity around him and quickly pushed himself into Quackity, making him scream.

Quackity gripped onto Wilbur's back as Wilbur pounded into him, not giving him any chance to regain his adjustment. Quackity's eyes filled with tears as he dug his nails into Wilbur's bare back. Wilbur began to go at a faster pace, making Quackity scream as he saw stars. Quackity came just before Wilbur did. Wilbur slowed his pace before coming to a stop. They both panted, Wilbur wiped Quackity's tears from his face and kissed his forehead.

"You did so well..I'll treat you tomorrow, but as of now I have to get you cleaned up." Wilbur said before pulling out to see his manhood covered in Quackity's blood. Wilbur picked him up and walked to the bathroom. He set Quackity in the bathtub and began to run him a warm bubble bath. He let Quackity rest in the bathtub as he took a quick shower. Once he was done he wrapped himself in a towel and helped Quackity clean himself.

After, Wilbur managed to get the both of them in their boxers, where he also carried Quackity to the bed. Wilbur dressed himself in his clothing as he admitted he needed to leave.

Quackity understood that Wilbur had to go but he didn't want him to. Wilbur still refused to stay, and left Quackity in the lonely warmth of his bedroom.

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