🍋(dnf) Shut up and dance🍋

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I was gonna make this a dnf book but I made the sinners book and I lost interest in this one, speaking of it, I just posted the 3rd chapter to it! If you haven't already, you should check it out! I worked pretty hard on it.

Type: Lemon

Ship: C!Dream x C!George

3rd POV

Dream sat at his desk playing Minecraft to cure his boredom, It had been Dream's birthday and he treated it like every other day. He thought about celebrating it with a simple cake and a small party at his apartment, but he didn't feel like cooking or buying plates and cups for the occasion. So as usual, he sat this one out. That was until Sapnap burst into his room.

"Hey dude! What're you- What the hell are you doing?" Sapnap questioned, confused why his roommate had been sitting at his desk.

"Playing Minecraft, why?" He responded, keeping his eyes glued at the screen.

"Playing Minecraft? But where are the streamers? The balloons? The food? The guests??" Sapnap questioned, sounding disappointed.

"C'mon, you know I don't celebrate my birthday, there'd be too much to do! I told you this not too long ago, remember?"

Sapnap nodded his head and left, but he obviously wasn't having it.

Later that day at around 6pm, Dream came home with corner store groceries and unloaded them into his kitchen. As he was unloading them, Sapnap snuck up behind him.

"Oi, dude, go to your room and put on the outfit on your bed, I'll get the rest of the groceries." Sapnap had startled Dream a bit but he went along with it anyways, no questions asked. He approached his room and shut the door behind himself. He spotted an outfit on his bed. Sapnap had organized a grey t-shirt, forest green hoodie, black jeans, and black shoes. He shrugged, not sure what was up, and changed into the clothing. When he was done he looked at himself in the bathroom mirror and brushed his hair to the side with his fingers, giving himself more character as he looked at himself. He felt happy with what he looked like, grabbed his phone and went to go see what sapnap had wanted.

Once he got to the kitchen, he first noticed that the groceries were all now out of sight. Then he noticed Sapnap sitting in the living room, texting friends on his phone. He approached the younger male and tapped his shoulder. Sapnap turned around and looked at him. "Perfect, ok, let's go."

Dream looked at him confused, "where are we going?" Dream questioned as Sapnap grabbed his keys. Sapnap had on an outfit similar to Dreams, just an orange color.

"You'll see, now get to the car" Sapnap said, rushing the both of them to the door. Dream was madly confused but went along with it anyways.

They had drove for fourty minutes at most, but Dream realized where they were going once they approached a parking lot. "You didn't." Dream started.

"I did" Sapnap said with a smirk, pulling up to the club.

"You really didn't have-" Dream was cut off.

"But I did" Sapnap said as he unfastened his seatbelt. Dream undid his aswell and opened his door. He was greeted by the same ocean-smelling breeze from this morning. Dream rested his arm on the top of Sapnap's car as he got out the car, then followed by closing his door. They hopped over the curb, Dream keeping his hands in his pockets. They walked over to the door with nude spray-paint like signs on the concrete wall and entered, being greeted with loud music, a crowd of people, and the smell of alcohol. It seemed to be more of a party than it did a club, but of course there was still the half-clothed models on the stage poles. Dream didn't pay much mind to them, but he did see quite a lot of his friends there. Foolish, Puffy, Niki, Jack, Conner, Charlie, Minx, Jschlatt, and it looked like Skeppy even managed to get Bad to come! There of course were more of his friends but he couldn't list all of them. All of his friends gathered around Dream and Sapnap and they walked to the bar for some drinks.

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