☁️Dreamnap ~ Cat-astrophe☁️

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I didn't know what ship to do for this so I'ma just go with a ship that I really admire, not sure if it would go well with the story though 😃

Type: fluff


Ship: C!Dream x C!Sapnap

Sapnap's POV

I was busy mixing and making potions for an experiment, when I realized the mobs I had collected for experimenting had escaped and were nowhere to be seen. I really needed to test my potions out on something to see if they would actually work and mobs were all I had now.I leaned against my chair, thinking of what I could do, when I realized that Dream had been over by my farm, messing with my crops to annoy me. I quickly got up and checked my farm area, he must have gotten tired from mauling my crops and decided to take a nap.

I went over to him, tapped his shoulder, and watched as he slowly woke up.

"Oh..hey Sapnap, what'cha need?" Dream asked, stretching.

"Well...I need you, for a little experiment, would you like to help me?" I questioned, hoping for him to say yes. Instead he nodded and got up, then we started walking back to my room where I was making potions.

Dream still seemed to be really sleepy since he acted so off-guard and walked sloppily, which ment- that it would be easier, no questions asked, only unbothered experiments. Once we got into where I was mixing potions, I looked through them, deciding what one I should do first. I decided to close my eyes and pick one randomly.

When I picked one up and opened my eyes, I didn't even bother reading the label to see which one it was. I excitedly got a syringe, sucked up a bit of it, and took it over to Dream. I motioned him to open his mouth and he did so, allowing me to push the shining liquid into his mouth.

At first, nothing happened, then, I noticed that his pupils dilated a bit, a tail was now in sight, and he had cat-like ears just kinda arise out of nowhere. I checked the label, then looked at Dream. I had just turned Dream into a cat-human hybrid, meaning that it worked!! I hopped around excitedly before Dream quietly hissed at me and ran out.

I rushed to put the potion down, along with the syringe, and ran after him to see where he went. I looked all over the house for about 10 minutes before finding him curled up in a ball on my couch. His hair was now a lot fluffier, along with his tail and ears, almost like a Ragdoll cat's fur. I had to admit, he looked really cute, especially with the soft purring sounds that vibrated throughout his body.

I quietly sat next to him and gently scratched behind his ears. His purrs became more noticeable, and he moved his head onto my lap. I grabbed a book from the coffee table and began reading it, still petting and gently scratching him. At one point, he even turned over and wanted me to pet his stomache. It was weird seeing him like this, he still had a human-like form, just with cat features, but he acted much like a cat. I wasn't even sure if he was still able to speak correctly, and if this didn't ware off soon there could be a problem considering how dangerous it could be having an over-sized cat bouncing off the walls. Though at the same time, it could be quite fun to test a few things like grooming, having him try catnip, having him meet other cats, or even attempting to put him in water.

As I thought of so many possibilities, I lost track of my book, but I did notice that Dream had started to catlick my hand. Although this might've been cute, it was really unsanitary, so I took my hand away from him and continued to pet him. He seemed to pout to himself, which I found quite funny. Then I heard a knock at my door. I had Dream continue to lay on the couch as I got up to go answer the door.

When I got there, I saw that George, Skeppy, Niki, Puffy, and Bad had came for a visit. I told them to welcome themselves in and they did so.

"Dream!! We have company! Are you awake?" I shouted, going back over to the couch. I found that he had disappeared. I started to look around to see where he went until I heard running from upstairs. I went over to the stairs but got pushed down when Dream came running down, he pinned me down and nuzzled into my chest. Everyone else had the most confused look on their face but Niki, she looked like she wanted to ravange Dream in love considering how cute he looked.

I pryed him off of me and hend him infront of me. "Um..Puffy..I hope you don't mind that I turned your son into a c-" Both Puffy and Niki squealed and came over, starting to admire his now smaller and more fluffy appearance. They tickled, pet, gently scratched, and just spoiled him in love and affection. Dream didn't seem to mind at all, infact he enjoyed it, and I just chuckled.

Lol idk if I want to finish this one 😃

914 words


Published June 6th, 2021

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