🍋(Dreamnap) Slut🍋

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Kinda back, I'll probably post a bit less to enjoy my summer, but ngl I've kinda been feelin' sad lol

Requestor: imcoolandsexy

Type:Smut + aftercare (yummy aftercare)

Ship: Dom sappy nap x Sub pissbaby (I promise I'll make it more serious than I'm being lmao)

___________3rd POV___________

  Sapnap and Dream sat at the couch in eachother's arms watching the news like an old married couple. They had invited George and Quackity over for a camping trip and now they were just checking the weather for this weekend. It was going to thunderstorm a bit in their area tonight, so they were just going to wait until the morning to go across the state towards the mountains.

  Dream, who was being spooned by Sapnap, was watching what areas it was going to rain hard and where it wasn't, until Sapnap started to grip Dream's thigh, slowly trailing his hand upwards. Dream smacked it, leaving Sapnap's hand to pull back.

"Not now, George said they were on the way some time ago." Dream scolded, not wanting to get his hopes high.

"But whyyy~! I wanna please my little slut" Sapnap whined, extending the Y. Sapnap wrapped his legs and arms around dream, nearly laying on his so Dream would feel trapped.

"Well your majesty here wishes not to be pleased, you'll be whining to be pleased throughout the camping trip anyways." Dream sighed.

  Dream continued to watch the tv, until he felt something poking at his back. He sighed. He lifted Sapnap off of him until he was able to grab his phone, then he went to George's snap.


How long till' yall are here?

About 10 to 20 minutes, this idiot decided not to pack anything but Marshmellos and drugs /j

Lol, K

  Dream felt himself suddenly be pumped by cold hands, causing him to groan. He set his phone down on the coffee table and pushed his hips into Sapnap's waist as he slowly felt as blood filled his cock, giving him an erection. He felt Sapnap's erection poking at his clothed ass. Sapnap kept stroking, whispering sweet nothings into Dream's ear just to tease him. Dream finally let himself moan. Sapnap changed their positions up a bit, he grabbed Dream's wrists and held them above his head as he now hungrily hovered over Dream.

  Sapnap let go of Dream's wrists and dove into a sweet kiss for starters. Then he trailed his hands down Dream's body and up his shirt, wanting to discard it already. Sapnap began rubbing at Dream's nipples. Dream quietly moaned in shock, and Sapnap took the chance to put his tongue in. Sapnap explored him like a cove. Sapnap and Dream got so into the kiss that they didn't realize how much time had actually passed by.

  They heard a knock at the door and jumped up. Sapnap got off of Dream, allowing Dream to stand up to go to the door. On the way, Dream put on his hoodie and pulled it down a bit to hide his bulge, Sapnap got up and went upstairs. Dream scoffed and opened the door to see Quackity and George talking.

"Finally! Took you long enough, now hurry up and let us it it's starting to rain" George huffed as he crossed his arms. Dream nodded and let them in, forcing them to take off their shoes as he grabbed their dampish luggage and put them away for tomorrow.

"Well! I guess we could watch movies until we fall asleep? It'll be storming pretty bad here, but where we're going should be fine. I'll just wake y'all up early in the morning and we'll take off, if that's ok with you guys?" They both nodded and went straight to the kitchen to make snacks as they heard the rain getting worse outside.

  On the other hand, Dream went upstairs to their room to see what Sapnap was doing. He found Sapnap in the bathroom, trying to get rid of his problem. Dream went ahead and closed the door, locking it behind him, seeing that Sapnap wasn't doing the best job. Dream crept up behind Sapnap as he heard him groaning at his unsatisfied lust. Dream snuck behind him and jumped him, spooking him. Sapnap jumped a bit, but laughed afterwards.

"So..you gonna help me or...?" He said with a smirk. Dream smiled and got down on his knees, quickly taking it in his hands. Sapnap groaned a bit as Dream licked upwards, then taking in the tip. Sapnap became impatient and grabbed Dream's hair, pushing his head onto Sapnap's cock. Dream gagged and moaned almost at the same time, satisfying Sapnap.

"Ooh you're such a good little slut" Sapnap moaned, still yanking Dream's hair. Dream moaned onto Sapnap's cock uncontrollably as Sapnap followed the pitter-patter pattern made from the rain. Dream started to jerk himself off as Sapnap enjoyed himself.

  Once the two of them came Dream's lips were pink and glossy from his drool and Sapnap's cum. The two of them panted as Sapnap bent down to kiss Dream's cheek. They looked around at their little mess and giggled.

  The two of them quickly ran a bath, Dream chose to stay in long and enjoy the bubbly water, but Sapnap rushed and finished quickly. Sapnap finished and went downstairs to greet George and Quackity. Sapnap crept down the stairs and looked around for the two, then he went to the kitchen and saw the two of them making out. Quackity was sat on the counter while as George held his hips and gave him a loving kiss. Sapnap leaned against the wall and cleared his throat, catching their attention.

"If y'all can hit it off up there while you have guests, we can hit it off down here as the guests." George said in a sassy tone. Quackity looked at him blushing madly while Sapnap laughed.

"Enjoy yourselves then" Sapnap said, going upstairs.


Lol I'm so sorry this took forever, I have no motivation until I do 😩

Hope you enjoyed the little surprise I added in the end too lol, I might make another chapter just for Quacknotfound 😏

Published July 11th, 2021

1035 words

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