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England 1977
"You haven't done anything since moving to England, please come out with us tonight," Antonio spoke. I looked up at him and felt annoyed "I don't really feel like it yet, why should I?" I asked. "Francis! Music is the number one thing right now in the UK. Their rock music is getting popular everywhere, and it will be worth it to go to a concert," Gilbert tried to point out. "Yeah! It will be good to check it out, please!!!!" Antonio begged.

They both began to puppy dog eye me and I began to laugh. "I can't say no now," I laughed. "Who is performing?" I asked. "A bunch of different bands, but people are mostly there to see Queen," Antonio smiled. "Well.... looks like it will be crowded," I laughed. "They are really good! I promise," Gilbert cheered. "Fine, when are we going?" I asked. "Tonight! At eight so be ready!" They spoke in unison. 

I sat back in my seat as they began to talk excitedly about it. I knew that rock music was out there nowadays.... especially here. But I guess I never really listened to any of it.  I've only lived here for two weeks, and it's been new. Of course, I've visited the UK plenty of times, especially England. However, living here was a different experience. Their fashion taste here was new to me. A lot of leather and black makeup.... and piercings with chains...... yeah.... very new.

I could see how excited they were to go, so I'm sure it won't be that bad. I just don't think I'd fit in easily with any of the people there. "What should I wear?" I asked. They both smiled at me, and Antonio finally spoke, "Anything you'd like, you will be just fine," he smiled. I nodded and smiled "sounds good; I'll see the both of you at eight," I spoke.


That night before they arrived to get me, I tried to figure out what to wear. A lot of my clothes were very..... bright and not really black? It was harder than I thought.

It was ten minutes before eight, so I began just throwing whatever I could find on. There was a sudden buzz, and I nearly jumped out of my skin. "God dammit!" I said, shocked. I quickly rushed to the door and looked in the peephole. It was Antonio and Gilbert. They both looked better dressed than I was, and I felt awkward. "Well, I did my best," I smiled. "Also, you both are early," I pointed out. "Yeah, well, Gilbert has been excited all day," Antonio laughed.

I shook my head at his excitement jokingly and began to gather my keys and wallet. "Well, better not keep him waiting," I spoke. I walked out of the door beside them, and we began to walk out of the building. We were all going to walk to the concert since it was at this place, not too far. It was like in one of those building people performed in that looked a bit questionable but were actually okay.

It was the kind of building that you knew for sure druggies snuck into. At least from the outside; on the inside, Antonio described it as something like a nice pub with carpet and a huge stage. I just hope he was right because it would be a weird place for famous people to perform at. Then again, I've seen a lot of places that look the same, and musicians performed at them.

As we approached closer and got closer to the building, I could finally see how many people were there.  It was insanely packed, and it surprised me that Antonio and Gilbert could get ahold of the tickets.  The three of us stood in line with people who had tickets. All we had to do was get it punched and get wristbands to prove that we had bought tickets. "I'm so excited to see all the garage bands perform, mostly for Queen, though..." Gilbert cheered. "Yeah! I'm sure it will be fascinating," Antonio added.

I looked around and saw how everyone looked, and it actually took me aback a little. I definitely didn't prepare to see so many spikes—a lot of punk, stylish people walking around. I kind of wanted to laugh because I didn't know how to react, but I knew well enough that was not a good idea. "Come on! It's our turn," Antonio nudged me. He pulled me forward, and I quickly showed them my ticket.  The security guard accepted our tickets and began to put wristbands on us. "This is so exciting," Gilbert whispered. I had no idea what to expect.

We walked through the doors, and I immediately heard music. I'm pretty sure it was a cover that someone was singing of a song by The Rolling Stones. It was "Paint it black," and it was probably one of the only songs I knew from them. Someone was singing a cover of it, and it sounded really great.

I continued to look around as I followed Gilbert and Antonio. I noticed all types of people around me. Some people laughing, some were dancing, some rocking out to the music and cheering, and some people drinking and even doing drugs in the corner.

I noticed a bar, and I tapped on Antonio. "I'm going to get some drinks; do you want anything?" I asked. "Yeah! That sounds great! Gilbert and I will be over there, so just meet us afterward," Antonio answered back. They both waved me off, and I began to walk towards the bar. I really wanted to take a seat, so I could see everything and really take it all in. I will just be as fast as I can once I get some drinks for us. I began to walk over to the bar, and I still continued to feel like everything was from another world.

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