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A few days had passed since that encounter with Gilbert and Antonio. I didn't bother to reach out to them because I knew they still felt the way they did. However, I used much of my free time to keep Arthur company. It was fascinating to see all the different things he was into, and listening to all his music was dreamlike. I was with him at the moment. Arthur is sitting in front of me, crossing his legs on the carpet. He had on his usual black clothing, and his hair was messy.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" He asked, confused. He was always uptight and needed an answer for everything; it was really amazing. "No reason; I guess I think you are very handsome," I laughed a little. He lifted an eyebrow at me, confused, and tilted his head "huh!??? Honestly, all you French people know is to try and sweet talk people," he said, annoyed. He lit up a blunt and began to take a breath in. "You should feel special; I don't do it to just anyone," I tried to smooth talk.

He handed me the blunt, and I did the same thing as him. "Oh really? Well, I don't feel special... More annoyed?" He pretended to wonder. It was mocking, but it was so cute. I was losing my mind staring at him. I tilted my head, staring at him, and it was like I couldn't take my eyes off him. I knew for sure that I felt this way sober, so it wasn't the weed. "Well, you should; I think that you are very good-looking; you should be proud," I smiled. I gave him a thumbs-up, and he began to roll his eyes.

Arthur began to lean his chin on the palm of his hand and stare deeply at me. "What is it?" I asked. He began to breathe in more of the pot, and I realized we had been smoking for a while. It was because I began to feel hot in my face. I always got that way when I was beginning to feel myself getting high. His eyes were red, and he was starting to sway around slowly. "We should try acid," he laughed. His laugh was contagious, and I began to laugh too. "You are crazy."

"Why suddenly say that? and change the topic of the conversation?" I asked, confused. "Because! Maybe I think you are funny when high, so I figured we'd have fun. Also, I just want to spend more time with you in some way," he spoke nervously. I smiled at him and began to scoot closer toward him. "Oh really? You know you can always spend time with me sober," I explain. He nodded and looked around nervously. "Yeah, but I guess it helps me communicate more easily. I get nervous still," he spoke.

I smiled at what he said, and he soon began to glare at me. "What?" I asked, confused. "If you think that means I don't entirely hate you, then you are wrong! You are an unusual man and it is surprising we are even spending time together," he pointed out. I shrugged at what he said and began to laugh. "Oh, sure," I smiled. His face began to turn red, and I shook my head. He was such an idiot.

I began to lean my forehead on his, and it took him aback. "What are you doing?" He asked, confused. "Nothing..... I just want you to know that you won't be able to get rid of me so easily," I smiled softly. I looked into his eyes and saw how red they were. It matched the color of his cheeks and I could feel the heat of it hit me.

His perfect eyes were always filled with so much mystery. I slowly began to reach my hand up to his hair, and I couldn't help but touch it a little. "What are you doing, idiot?" He spoke seriously. His hair was softer than it looked, and I continued to caress it. "Francis?" He asked, annoyed. I smiled at him and shrugged. "It's softer than I thought," I teased.

His eyes widened, and his face got suddenly blood red. Arthur quickly pushed himself back and looked at me, completely shocked. "What? Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. He did not say anything, but he looked extremely shocked and scared. Why on earth would he be so scared? Honestly! He is so dramatic. "Was it because I got a little too close?" I asked. Arthur looked around him and slowly nodded.

I breathed out a little and sat away from him. "I'm sorry that I invaded your personal space," I spoke. "Don't worry about it..... it didn't make me upset... I was just confused about something," he spoke. "Confused? About what?" I asked curiously. He stared at me for a split second and turned away from me.

He was really cute, and if he ever let me, I'd definitely kiss him. Of course, I have thought about it!!! Who wouldn't!!! He was a handsome man with a great personality. Plus, it was completely legal to do it in private. I would definitely kiss that man, and I would definitely let him kiss me if he ever wanted to.

I smiled at him sweetly, and he looked at me with a soft expression. "So, do you plan on dating anyone?" I asked him. His eyes widened, and he began to look around nervously. "I am not sure... I suppose I have not met the right person yet," he smiled. "And you? You seem to have a lot of energy. I am sure if you put that towards a girlfriend, it would be best," he looked at me unamused. I began to laugh and shake my head slowly. "Sure, I guess, but I think I'm looking for a different type of person," I explained.

I'm sure that I haven't really bluntly told him I was into men. I do trust him enough to come out and just say it and whatever he does with that information is no one's fault. "What do you mean?" He asked, confused. I smiled at him and shrugged. "I mean that I guess I'm looking for men more than women," I spoke with a smile. It had taken a while for him to understand, and his mouth opened slowly. "Oh wow! That actually makes a lot of sense," he laughed.

I widened my eyes and looked at him, shocked. "Hey!!!" I began to laugh. Arthur also laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "I hope I already gave off the vibes that I don't care. The last time we talked about this, it was subtle, and I'm glad you are more comfortable with me just saying it bluntly," he nodded in an accepting way. It only made me happier than ever.

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