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For some reason, it pissed me off! Seeing Arthur show this whole new side of himself to Alfred. He dressed differently and had a whole new set of inside jokes that brought them so much closer. "Alfred, you are funny as ever," Arthur began to giggle. What the hell? This weird flirting was going on for a while until Alfred was about ready to go. I just sat on the sofa rolling my eyes at everything he was telling Arthur. It is obvious that he is trying too hard. "It was nice meeting you, Francis!" Alfred tried to call me.

"Yeah... It was nice too," I spoke annoyed. I didn't even bother looking at either of them. Once the door closed, I could hear Arthur walk toward me and they sounded angry. I was confused by the sound and looked at him. However, he was glaring hard at me. "What?" I asked, shocked. "You could be a little nicer to him," Arthur spoke annoyed. I glared back at him and rolled my eyes. "Well if you have to know, Alfred isn't really the type I'd be friends with," I spat out. It kind of took him aback but he breathed out.

"Okay, I get that he isn't the best type of person to be around but he is a childhood friend," he explained. "And I get that, but he just doesn't give me good vibes," I tried to explain. I wanted to tell him what we talked about but at the same time..... that might not be the best idea. "I mean, you even changed your whole look....." I pointed to his outfit, and he breathed out defeated. "He..... just doesn't like the idea of all the stuff I'm into. I guess he is a little more old-fashioned," he tried to defend.

It didn't make things better for me.... But I couldn't exactly be one hundred percent honest on why it bothered the hell out of me. Here he was ... changing himself for someone who only sees him as some sort of possession. I would never make him feel that way or treat him that way. "Alright, fine, you do what you have to do... I won't judge you or fight you on it because I genuinely want to see you happy," I smiled sadly at him. He tilted his head slightly and nodded at me.

"He hardly ever comes around.... Usually once a month.... You don't need to worry about seeing him a lot," he spoke a bit sadly. I realized that my not liking one of his own friends upset him... But I couldn't help it... The situation was not the best. "Hey, I don't mind giving him a chance..... I'll still be nice to him and try and be friends still, so you don't need to worry either" I smiled.

What's the worst Alfred will do? Tell on me because I may have feelings? That would only bring Arthur down, and Alfred is too in love with him to do that. What I said seemed to make him happier, so I was willing to just leave the conversation at that.

I looked at Arthur, and his face was soft and sweet. He was so handsome, and it was a matter of it being the wrong place and time. I couldn't tell him how I felt because it wasn't acceptable yet.... However, one day it will be, to tell him everything... but even now, in private, it was a risk. I wasn't sure how long I was willing just to be friends knowing how I felt. I'll watch him and support him with other people, but it will hurt me every day I have to do it.

He will eventually start a family.... And I will just be "dad's friend," when I wanted to be a dad too with him. Was it the thought that was enough for me to want to run away and forget about him? Maybe but I couldn't just give up, right? Maybe I would be content with myself if he just found out. And he just knew?

If he were to find out, I couldn't show my face around him ever again. However, I think that option might be better sometimes. Call me selfish or jealous....but it will break my heart more to keep these feelings hidden forever and ever and watch him be with other people.

I loved him so much, and I think I wanted him to find out... But not where I outwardly tell him. Looking at him now in his weird, odd clothes still made him attractive to me. I wanted to see other sides of him, and I wanted to show him everything. So the best thing I can do is let him find out slowly.

If he finds out and chooses to ignore it... what am I to do? "Let's put on some of the Beatles... I've had this song stuck in my head the whole time," Arthur laughed nervously. He walked over to his record player and put on a record. The song that started to play was something by the Beatles. It was a really good song, and I also liked it. However, my mind seemed to only focus on Arthur and the idea of him. His existence and the type of person he was... It was everything to me.

I haven't known him long, but he somehow made me care for him so much. It makes it hard to figure out what I want to do and say to him. Maybe I'll just give it a little more time and see where this goes.  I'm not sure if being around him more will make it worse or better for me... but I'm willing to find out.

Arthur slowly began to slow dance to the song, and I smiled at him slightly. He deserved all the happiness in the world..... that's all I wanted for him.

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