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Ever since that first moment of being with him for a day. I wanted more of that every moment. I began to spend more and more time with Arthur; whether that be at his house Listening to music and getting high, or going with him to concerts he didn't want to go to alone.  Antonio and Gilbert began to question where I'd been but I always ignored their persistent questions. I just wanted to spend time with Arthur as much as I could.

No matter how much I tried to fight my feelings for him, I would somehow find another reason to be attracted to him. "Why do you tie your shoes like that?" He asked, confused. I looked down at my feet and began to laugh "well, how do you tie your shoes?" I asked with a laugh. He put his hands on his hips and shook his head "like this!" He spoke determinedly. It was honestly so cute that he got this way. I know Arthur always seemed to try and act tough but I knew there was so much more to him.

"Come on, I am hungry already," I laughed. He rolled his eyes at me and I smiled. "Fine! I mean, since you are so hungry or something," he spoke. Arthur began to adjust his nose piercing a little bit and I nodded. "Of course! It's because I'm evil and I like to force you to do stuff you don't want to," I joked with him. He side-eyed me and tried to hold down a smirk "now you are getting it," he spoke.

Arthur held the door open for me, and we both walked out of his home. It was a beautiful night out tonight. That only meant we decided to walk to the restaurant instead of taking the bus. "We must really look like total opposites.... here I am looking like this, and there you are... looking like you just yelled flower power," he laughed. "This isn't the sixties, Arthur," I spoke.

"Yeah, I know, but I can see that French people always dress flashy," he spoke with a side-eye. "I'll tell you what! One day you can dress me, and one day I will dress you; how does that sound?" I asked. I smiled at him, and he widened his eyes at me. He looked shocked but soon began to think about it. "If that is a challenge! I am going to make sure you look like you have more taste," he smiled.

"Sounds interesting-...."
"FRANCIS?!!!!" I heard a shout. I jumped in my place, and Arthur and I turned around on the pavement to look at who had called me. We both saw it was Antonio and Gilbert, and I wanted badly to pick Arthur up and run away from them. "Oh hey," I spoke nervously. "You haven't called or said anything; what have you been up to?" Antonio asked, shocked.

I looked at Arthur, who looked still faced. "Well, I've been with Arthur for the past month," I explained slowly. Antonio and Gilbert looked shocked, but I tried to keep my composure. "Really? But why? Are the two of you best friends now?" Gilbert asked in a taunting way. I was really taken aback by his behavior and looked to Arthur, who looked like he was starting to get annoyed with them. "Not best friends but good friends, yes!" I smiled.

Suddenly they began to act very rudely and laugh at what I said. What was their deal? All because I did not call? That is rude. "Ummm, is there an issue with that? I didn't see how funny that was," I spoke, confused. Gilbert stopped laughing and looked at Arthur and then at me. "We aren't stupid, Francis; what is up with you and him? If you want to experiment with guys, you could be honest with us. Are you just waiting to get the goods?" Gilbert laughed.

"What? That isn't what is happening; how could you-..."
"I struck a nerve! Maybe you do have feelings for this guy? Weird sense of taste, but I guess maybe you are into that-..."
"WHAT THE FU-..!!!!"
My eyes widened as I saw how Arthur suddenly punched Gilbert in the face. It left Antonio, and I, shocked, and I watched as Arthur did not have to break a sweat to knock him down.

Gilbert sat up from the floor and held his bleeding nose. "What the hell is your problem?!" Antonio yelled towards Arthur. Antonio tried to get closer to Arthur and probably fight back, but I got between them. "Don't you touch him, or we are going to have some problems," I spoke seriously. They both looked shocked, and Antonio took a step back. "Fine then!!! Call us when you want to ditch him," Antonio hissed.

He went to help Gilbert up, and they both walked the opposite way from us. I felt my heart beating so fast, and I had no idea what to do. I turned to Arthur and saw how pissed he looked. "I am so sorry for that," I tried to say. He held a hand up and made me stop talking. "Don't worry about it; let's just go get something to eat," he spoke seriously. I felt terrible about what had happened, but I nodded and began walking beside him.

Antonio and Gilbert weren't entirely wrong about why I was spending so much time with Arthur. However, it was not my fault entirely! I'm just so drawn to him, and I have this urge to know everything about him. I couldn't tell him about how I felt, though; it was too early and inappropriate. I looked at Arthur, and his demeanor and composure and just smiled at him. It was really hot how he punched Gilbert, if I was going, to be honest. I definitely won't deny my feelings towards him, but I will deny only looking at him as an object for sex.

Thank you for reading ❤️

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