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I must have stood at the bar for quite some time because I began to hear a bunch of cheering. Everyone began to crowd the stage and yelling for Queen. It kind of shocked me, and I looked around for Antonio and Gilbert. I couldn't see them at all, and I even stood up to look around. The music began to play, and it was a good song that I didn't really know. I continued to look around until I finally stopped in a direction.

My eyes widened, and it was like time had stopped around me. I stared at this guy who had blonde hair. He was definitely into all that punk rock stuff and definitely dressed the part for it. The man was smoking a cigarette and had his arms crossed. He had a bunch of piercings, and his clothes were out of this world.

I continued to stare in awe at how beautiful this man looked. His eyebrows were thick and bushy and were just hideous; however, his demeanor kept pulling me towards him. The man finally made eye contact with me and lifted an eyebrow, confused. I just had to know his name.....

I waved at him a little, and he looked at me with so much confusion. I can't help it! I have to talk to him. I began to walk toward him, and he watched me as I came a step closer. "Are you lost or something? Why are you staring?" He asked, annoyed. I couldn't help but release a small laugh as I was able to look at him up close and in person.

"A little, but I guess I really like what you are wearing," I tried to break the ice. His eyes widened, and he looked down at his clothes "thanks? I mean it isn't anything special," he spoke. "It looks good," I spoke nervously. The man finally faced me and stood up straight. He was slightly shorter than me but still stood up like he was way taller. I could tell he was very confident and I liked it a lot. "Well, since you said you were lost, do you need help?" He asked.

I nodded at him eagerly and smiled. "Alright then, let's find your people," he spoke. I nodded at him and couldn't help but stare into his eyes. "My name is Francis.... by the way..." I sputtered. He lifted a brow and nodded "My name is Arthur; I'm guessing you aren't really from here," he spoke. I began to laugh and nodded "Was it the accent?" I asked. He shook his head and grinned at me. "No, only the French would get lost like that" he began to laugh evilly, and I think my heart exploded.

"Well, only the British would think something like that," I joked back. Arthur rolled his eyes at me and crossed his arms "Anyway, I can help you find your friends, but that's about it," he spoke. "Thank you" was all I could say.

"What's the name of this song?" I asked. He looked at me as if I was crazy. "Somebody to love.... it came out last year, I believe," he explained. This song will forever be in my mind whenever I think of Arthur. "I think I like this song," I explained. He nodded at me, confused, and rolled his eyes. Maybe it was his eyebrow piercing, or his green eyes, or maybe even his ripped jeans.... but he somehow cast a spell on me without even trying.

"I like it too," he spoke softly. "Now, where are the people you are with?" He added. "I'm not sure; I last saw them this way; would you like to come?" I asked. Arthur nodded slowly and began to follow me in that direction. "Their names are Antonio and Gilbert... Antonio has brown hair, and Gilbert is albino," I explained. "Well, it might be a little easier to find your friend Gilbert," Arthur joked. I laughed at his joke, and we both began to look around.

For a while, I couldn't see anyone that looked familiar to me. Suddenly I felt a tug on my shirt, and I quickly turned to see who it was. "Is that them?" Arthur asked. I turned in that direction and noticed Antonio and Gilbert. I promptly walked over to them and tapped on Antonio. "Sorry I took long; I got lost. But I met someone who helped me out," I explained.

I pointed to Arthur, who had followed behind me nonchalantly. Antonio and Gilbert looked shocked and nodded in acceptance. "Oh, nice! Well, no need to rush what you got going on," Antonio smirked at me. I nudged him so Arthur wouldn't hear at all. "Yeah! We will see you after if the two of you were going to hang," Gilbert butt in.

I looked to Arthur, who didn't seem to care, and I began to get annoyed at the guys. "Maybe I will! Come on, Arthur!" I spoke. I grabbed his wrist softly and began to pull him in the opposite direction. I already knew those guys were making fun of me. Anytime I'm alone with a guy, they always make those sneaky comments.

I led Arthur and me into a corner away from everyone and began to apologize. "I'm sorry about that; they were making some comments I didn't want you to hear," I laughed nervously. "It's alright; I get it.... if it makes you feel better, I wasn't listening to them much," he spoke. I felt relieved at what he said and breathed out tired.

I looked at him, and he always seemed to look emotionless. I'm sure he would look amazing if he were to smile. " I just moved here to the UK; it would be nice if we got to know each other more? I'm actually a university student and live off campus with my roommates.... who you just met," I smiled. His eyes widened as he looked at me, and he nodded slowly "sure, that doesn't sound so bad," he spoke.

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