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"Do you think whales have feelings?"
"I think all living things have feelings."
"Oh yeah?"
Arthur had gotten a little high, and I was making sure he was alright. He offered me some, but I wanted to stay with him for a bit. We continued to listen to the music playing, and he began to sing along. "We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine!" He sang. I giggled at him as he began to stand up and point at me. "You live in one! I live in one! We all live in one!" He giggled.

He began to grab onto my shirt excitedly as a new song began to play. It was long cool woman by the Hollies. "Aren't you getting hot? I'm getting hot!" He spoke. He began to pull on my shirt, and I tried to get him away. I felt my face getting hot, and I had no idea what to do. He did not realize what he was doing to me. "Francis! Let's dress up as you said!" He suddenly thought. I began to laugh at what he said and nodded.

"Okay, sure; however, you might have to do me first," I laughed. He nodded excitedly and began to pull me up to my feet. "Take off your clothes first!" He demanded. He placed his hands on his hips, and I felt flustered as I looked at him. "Oh, okay," I spoke.

These sweet emotions...

The way he says things like nobody cares, he wears things like no one else has worn them, he was calling my name, and I was the fool following.

I slowly took off my shirt, and he offered me his blunt, which I nodded in acceptance. I won't be able to focus unless I take something to get the edge off. I took the piece from him and breathed in, taking the biggest hit I had ever taken. It caused me to cough, and he began to laugh at me. "Careful now," he laughed. I laughed nervously and began to breathe some more in.

"Let's do this," I spoke.

I began taking off my clothes, and he stared at me with a reddened expression. "What is it?" I asked. I felt the effects starting to kick in, and I blinked a couple of times. "Well, to be blunt, you have a nice figure," he spoke. I squinted my eyes at him and nodded in response. I was only wearing my underwear at this point as we stared at each other.

"I have a better idea," he spoke.

I lifted a brow, confused, and he suddenly began taking his clothes off. "Wait! What are you doing?" I asked. I tried to stop him, but he laughed at me. "Don't worry! We are just going to switch clothes!" He laughed. I felt embarrassed as he said this. My mind immediately went to a sexual way when he only wanted to have fun. I was pathetic.

"Come on! Lighten up!" He laughed. He threw his clothes at me, and I began to laugh. I picked up my clothes from the floor and threw them at him as well. Thankfully we were around the same size. He might have been thinner than me, though. I had broader shoulders, and he didn't.

As we both quickly put on the clothes, I began to laugh at him. The brightly colored clothes I always wore did not fit him. I had been wearing blue bell bottoms and a burnt orange blouse that was very frilly with buttons that went up. I also constantly wore an orange scarf with different patterns on it. I usually wore it around my neck. I also wore this brown vest that I'd buttoned up.

He looked at himself in the mirror, horrified, but I nearly fainted once I caught a glimpse of myself. I looked like a punk. He laughed at me, and we both stared at each other shocked. "This doesn't fit either of us," I laughed. He shook his head, smiling, and began to do poses.

"Look at meeee, oh Arzuuuurrrr! What ez ze word? Baguette Hon Hon Hon!"

He began to mimic my accent.

"Look at me! Rubbish this, are you a twat? You fuckin idottttt," I laughed. We both began to mimic how we talked, and the high effect made me giggle more. "However, I think those jeans look great on you," he laughed. He pointed to the jeans he put on me, and I began to check myself out in the mirror. "You think so? I usually only wear bell bottoms or slacks," I laughed.

"I think you look hot!"

I flinched at what he said and looked at him, shocked. Not only did the high feeling make me feel hot, but what he said made my body raise its temperature quickly. His eyes widened, and he stepped back nervously. "No! I didn't mean to make it seem weird," he spoke. His face was red, and he began to look around nervously.

I wanted to grab him and kiss him for saying that. He continued to look around nervously, but I reached my hand to his cheek to stop him. "You look hot, too," I smiled. I began to caress his cheek, and we both stared at each other. "Tell me, why don't you like Alfred? What is the real reason," he suddenly spoke? He looked at me seriously, and my heart began to race.

Really? This is the first thing he wants to ask me?

I thought we were having a moment right now, but he had to bring HIM up. Why does he care what I think about him? Why does he care about him so much? Ugh! Why can't he care about me that way? I hated it! I hated the way it was making me feel.



I removed my hand from his cheek and placed my hands on his shoulders. "Are you in love with him?" I asked. His eyes widened, and he was speechless. "What?" He spoke. "Are you in love with him? I mean, it is odd since you never mentioned him before, but for some reason, I'm getting an odd vibe that you might," I spoke.

Although his liking him meant my chances of us together growing slightly, because he liked men, but always fell because I knew that Alfred liked him and would jump at the opportunity. "I—"

"Do you?" I asked, more curious now.

"No, I don't think so."

He doesn't think so?



sorry about not updating this story for so long! but I want to finish it! So expect some updates :)

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