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I began to go through my pockets for a pen and paper and I was lucky enough to find a napkin and pencil. "I will just give you my phone number. I would really like to talk to you more when there isn't so much music blaring," I laughed nervously. I handed him the piece of paper and he looked at me very confused. "What is it?" I asked confused. "You must be an idiot if you think I'd humor someone like you," he spoke in a sassy way.

His response really took me back, and I didn't know what to say. I slowly put the napkin down and he suddenly took it from me. "No need to get sad about it!" He spoke worriedly. Arthur quickly put the napkin in his pocket and I was taken aback again. He really does change his mind really fast. "Alright then, just call me, and I'll answer," I smiled at him. He looked a bit uneasy at what happened and it made me start to wonder about him.

He looked so handsome and rugged, and yet so delicate. His skin was very pale that you could see his freckles all along his cheeks. He had this crazy dark makeup on that would have scared me if anyone else was wearing it. "I will see if I have time," he spoke. He began to take a lighter out of his pocket along with what looked like some grass.

Whoa.... isn't he hardcore.....


"If we do, it's gonna be at my place, I'm not trying to get murdered like those fools in America," he spoke. I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head "Oh please, if I wanted to, I would have done it by now," I laughed. He looked at me with a lifted eyebrow, and I began to laugh nervously. "Not in a weird way of course..."

I'm so stupid!!!

"Right, well I'm sure only the French could manage to say something weird like that in such a confident way," he snickered. "Hey! I'm not that bad... I do have my moments," I tried to defend. "You are so gullible; I think I might like you," he suddenly spoke. His face was straight, but I could tell that he was serious. Why was he of all people making me get so nervous? A punk rock guy who wears a bunch of leather has somehow managed to grab my attention.

This was embarrassing..... I shouldn't try to indulge this idea any longer. "Okay then, I guess I'll see you around," he spoke. Arthur turned away from me and began to walk away. I watched as he left, and I wanted so badly to talk to him more. I'm hoping he comes around and calls me; that would be amazing. "FRANCIS!!!! Did your little boyfriend leave?" A voice spoke. I jumped as a hand grabbed me and turned to see Antonio.

He and Gilbert were making kissing faces at me, and it caused me to roll my eyes. "Are the two of you almost done?" I asked, annoyed. "Yeah! Everything just ended! Let's go home," Gilbert cheered excitedly. I nodded and began to follow beside them. "So, what were the two of you talking about?" Antonio asked. "Well.... nothing too important... I think he and I will be friends if he actually calls me," I spoke. "Oh that's nice; he seemed very dark and scary," Gilbert began to joke. I laughed nudging him and began to shake my head. "No! He seems really nice, actually" I explained.

"Oh really? Are the two of you going to paint each other's faces black?" Antonio joined in. It was starting to annoy me about how they were acting. "Can the two of you stop? He seems like a nice person, and I want to get to know him more," I finally spoke. They looked at me shocked and shrugged. "We were just messing with you!" Gilbert tried to defend. "I know, but he is nice and the two of you are being a little rude," I explained. "Alright, fine! Sorry" Antonio apologized. I rolled my eyes at them because I knew they would be like this around Arthur.

Alright! I have to make sure they aren't alone with him or around him. It would be a pain if they said something rude like that to him. I wouldn't want anyone to be that way toward Arthur.

Thinking about him made my heart beat so fast. I couldn't wait for him to call me.... if he did, of course. I'm sure he will, though! It could be fun! And he said I would go over to his place! I bet it is really unique there, and he owns a lot of records. He looks like the type to own a lot of records.

Maybe I'll bring him a cassette tape of music I like! That would be perfect I just know it. I will put some music I like on there for him so he can have some more music. The idea made me excited, and I began to think of all the types of songs I wanted him to listen to. This will be a great start with him! I just know it. "What are you smiling about?" Antonio asked. "It's none of your business; I'm just happy," I explained.

They both looked at me confused, but I still kept that goofy smile on my face. This must be a dream if it does happen to be a dream... I don't ever want it to end. I'm so excited to see Arthur again, especially alone! I think that would be perfect! Maybe I should bring snacks? Oh god, I'm so excited that I feel like a girl in high school.

I looked up to the sky, satisfied, and felt my heart racing as I thought about him. He and I will be great friends! I just know it... it's in my gut.

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