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"Time is just a figment made up by society and mankind."
"I agree"
"It is insane!"
"You know what's insane?"
"How we work our asses off day in and day out for what? To die? We all will get old eventually, and some of us don't experience life... it's insane!" I spoke. The room around us was full of smoke and we both began to feel the effects of what we were smoking.

"That is exactly what I was thinking! What is the point? We are on a rock floating in space!!!! We should be doing more!" Arthur spoke. I nodded in agreement and began to think, "yeah! Do anything we want! Love anyone we want! Go anywhere we want and get whatever we want!" I cheered him on. "We should do it then!" He spoke excitedly.

"Which one?" I asked confused. "All of them! Let's do whatever we want! Love anyone we want, go wherever, and get anything we want! Let's do it!" He spoke excitedly. We were both lying on the floor the opposite way. However, our heads were still near each other. "One thing first," I laughed. He looked over at me and smiled in a goofy way "let's do whatever we want! What's something you've always wanted to do?" He asked.

"Something I've always wanted to do?"
"Yeah!" He cheered. I thought about it for a moment and spoke. "I've actually never danced with anyone before," I laughed. The high feeling was making my mood giggly and happy. "What?!" He asked, shocked. I laughed at his reaction and shook my head "it's true," I laughed. He looked over at me rather closely and was trying to articulate his words. "Ummm! Then we are dancing!" He said. It shocked me a lot since he wasn't like this at all from what I could tell.

Maybe the high feeling made him this happy. "I think we should dance when we are sober," I smiled at Him. He was sitting down on his knees, and I slowly lifted myself up with my arm up to his level. Our faces were a bit close but not in a weird way. "Who cares! Let's do it!" He laughed. I thought about it for a moment and shrugged my shoulders. "Alright then," I spoke.

"This song is great!" He cheered. I nodded pleased at his reaction and began to light the blunt up some more. I inhaled it and he smiled "let's dance to this one!" He cheered. I lifted an eyebrow, confused at him but shrugged my shoulders. "Alright then!" I laughed.

I held my hand for him to grab, and his face turned red fast. "What's wrong?" I asked confused. Arthur looked away from me fast and shook his head. "Nothing! I was just thinking about something," he laughed nervously. I nodded at his response, and he slowly took my hand.

His hand was really soft and I held it tightly as we both stood up. I held Arthur close to me as the song played in the back. It was "Something stupid" by Frank and Nancy Sinatra. "I'm supposed to help you out," he spoke stubbornly. "You are," I smiled at him. I began to put his arms around my shoulders and I put mine on him as well.

We both began to sway slowly to the music and his eyes closed in a calm way. "What is it?" I asked. "Nothing... this just feels nice," he spoke. I smiled at his words and nodded. Even while we were high, I knew he was still the most exceptional human I have ever met. I wanted to know everything about him and just hold him tightly.

Arthur slowly began to lean his forehead on mine, and I did not protest it at all. We were really living in the moment, and I didn't want this moment to end. But if he wouldn't do this sober with me, I shouldn't try to push anymore.

"What was next on the list?" I asked. I asked to get the conversation going. He looked up at me, and his pupils were dilated. "Love anyone we want," he spoke. My body felt hot at that realization. I guess I found him attractive, but I would never tell him that. "Is there someone you have feelings for? Maybe you should tell them," he suggested. We continued to slow dance, and I looked him in the eyes.

"Well... that's complicated...."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not with anyone, but I know that if people knew who I loved, they would shun me or worse..... hate me to hell," I explained. Arthur looked at me confused, and smiled slowly. "I feel the same way.... but luckily, most people here in the UK are more accepting of it," he explained.

My eyebrow lifted and I knew exactly what he meant. We both then silently began to stare at each other as we knew but waited in fear if it was really what we meant. "Well, you might be right about that," I smiled.

Our faces were really close, and my heart was beginning to beat faster and faster. This was not the time or place to get romantic! We are both high, and I shouldn't do what I want. I quickly separated from him and smiled at him. "Are you hungry? I could make us some food," I suggested.

His eyes looked excited, and he nodded with a straight face. "Yes, please!" He spoke ecstatically. I smiled at him, and we both tried our best to walk down the ladder. I opened the latch and told him to be careful "be careful going down," I spoke. He gave me a thumbs-up and began to go down first. "I'm good! See!" He cheered. However, on the last step, he missed it and fell on the floor. I began to laugh going down, and Arthur pulled me down to the ground as soon as I reached the last step.

He began to laugh a lot as I winced in pain, and I looked at him, shocked. However, the way he smiled and laughed was mesmerizing, and I loved every moment of it.

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