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It was like we were floating in the air.
"Do you feel that?" I asked.
"Yeah! We are flying....."
The walls were suddenly colorful and the doors were being stretched across. Arthur and I were sitting in front of each other and continued to stare. His features began to exaggerate and become something odder. "Have you always had those cat ears?" I asked him confused. He began to laugh and placed a hand on his head "maybe" he laughed. It was so sweet and we continued to look at each other.

"We should just go and date people! Go have sex with anyone we want! We are pretty good-looking men!" He spoke hyped up. I had no idea why it was brought up but I nodded in agreement. "Oh really? Why the sudden urge?" I asked. We were having a serious conversation now; I could feel it. However, the monkey swinging around in the back distracted me a little. "I have no idea; I guess I just wanted to say it," he spoke quietly.

I nodded at what he said and we continued to enjoy ourselves on the acid we had taken. I would ask him more about it, but I would rather do that when sober.

The next day, I woke up in my bed. I didn't really remember fully how I got there, but I felt kind of lonely. I wanted to be with Arthur, I wanted to see him, and I wanted to kiss him so badly. We have known each other for maybe three months already, so I understand that the thought was really soon in our relationship. Plus! I know he doesn't feel the same way, and I have a feeling he likes men, too, but I wish he would just be out about it.

"I think I will just stop by his house today," I said out loud. I stood up from the bed and began to get dressed for the day. I tied my hair up and began to change my clothes. My hands seemed to be sweaty, and I felt nervous for some reason. I have to treat him like a friend to avoid making him uncomfortable. He knows I like men, and I don't want that to change our friendship.

I looked at myself in the mirror and held onto my stomach slightly. There's no point in having feelings for him! I need to forget about them and move on.

When I arrived at his house, I took a deep breath and looked at his door nervously. I knew he always unlocked it for me in case I wanted to stop by. However, this time it felt different to go in. It was probably because I swore that I would try and move on from my feelings.

I held the door handle and slowly turned it to enter the house. "Arthur?" I called out, confused. However, as I walked in, I was shocked for more than one reason. More confused than shocked, of course. Arthur was sitting down on the sofa, and he was not wearing as much black as he usually does and his hair was done perfectly. It looked as if he took out most of his piercings and the nail polish from his nails was gone. Instead, he was wearing a plaid shirt with a collar and brown button-up pants. His hair was combed, and he didn't look like the Arthur I had met.

Not only that, but he was practicing needlepoint and had his legs crossed over the other. He had tea in front of him and desserts on the table.  All of it was shocking to process and what made things odd was that there was another man in the room. He had glasses, blonde hair, and hair jeans on with a white shirt tucked in with sneakers.

Arthur looked more like he went through my closet to find clothes. "Oh! Francis hi! Come on in, we are just chatting," he spoke with a smile. He was also cheery... It was odd. I nodded slowly and took my shoes off at the door. I followed Arthur to the sofa and took a seat awkwardly. What the hell is going on?!!

"Alfred! This is Francis, Francis this is Alfred. He is the one I was telling you about," Arthur introduced us. Alfred stood up to shake my hand, and I did the same. "Hey! He doesn't stop talking about you at all! It is nice to meet you finally!" He smiled. I nodded in agreement and smiled back. Arthur hasn't told me anything about this guy! I am so confused!

I finally noticed what a hard grasp he had on my hand, and it began to make me feel uneasy. "That's nice! I was kind of shocked to see you here; I'm glad Arthur has so many friends," I spoke. "Oh yeah! Artie has always been that way," Alfred smiled.

"So, how do the two of you know each other?" I asked, confused. "Oh! We went to college together before I dropped out. He graduates next year, and he came by to visit," Arthur explained. "Oh, that is really nice," I smiled. They must be really good friends to still talk to each other. 

We all sat down, and Arthur quickly stood up once again "let me get you a cup of tea," he spoke. I smiled at him and nodded, and I still felt the situation was so weird. Why wasn't he wearing his normal clothes? Did Alfred not like it or something? I looked at Alfred, nervous, and he smiled at me with a tilted head.

"What is it?" I asked.
"Just wondering how Arthur came across someone like you....."
"Hmm? What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means that I don't like you, and you don't deserve Arthur's friendship," he suddenly spoke. It really took me aback, and I lifted an eyebrow, confused. "Well, Arthur likes me, so I don't care what your think," I smiled. He began to glare at me, and I rolled my eyes, annoyed. "Arthur is mine only, so don't think you can ruin anything between us," he hissed. Who does this guy think he is?!

"Oh, please! Arthur isn't a possession so try treating him like a human. I'm not trying to take him away from you, but if you feel that way, then it's whatever," I spoke, annoyed. "I know what you want from him; I could tell by the way you look at him. Do you actually think he would want a relationship with someone like you? Think again! No amount of sweet talking would woo him over," Alfred spoke. What he said actually took me aback, and I began to wonder if I was that obvious with my feelings. "Well, I don't plan on being with him that way; we are just friends," I spoke slowly.

It made me nervous, and I was beginning to rethink everything I do around Arthur.

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