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As if some higher being made sure I was happy, the next day, I received a call. It was Arthur from the concert. "Would you like to come over?" He asked over the phone. "Yes! Where are you?" I asked excitedly. He gave me his address, and I quickly wrote it down so as to not forget. Arthur wanted me to come over whenever I was free, so obviously, I was taking the trip now.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled wide as I began to put my hair up. I wasn't going to mention this to Antonio and Gilbert because they annoyed me the other night.  I quickly put on a jacket and slipped on my shoes as I left my house.

I actually felt amazing walking out of my home! I felt like the happiest man right now. It was about a way's walk from my house, and I knew it would not take long to get there. I made him a cassette tape of about two hours' worth of songs I wanted him to listen to. Both in English and French that I wanted him to listen to.

When I arrived at the address, I began to feel nervous. The outside of his place did not seem to fit what I had imagined. I suppose it would be funny of me to think it would look black everywhere. I walked up to the door slowly and began to knock on it. I could hear the rock music playing from outside and immediately got turned down. I cleared my throat a little bit and began to awkwardly wait outside.

When the door opened, there he was. My heart began to speed up, and my excitement raised to the sky as I looked at Arthur. There he was... standing in front of me like an angel..... a very.... goth, punk angel...

"Nice to see you! I was looking forward to this," I spoke. He tilted his head at me slightly and nodded in agreement. "I figured that giving you a chance wouldn't hurt at all. Besides..... you mentioned music, and I was curious to see what you'd bring," he spoke quietly. Arthur allowed me to enter and I could see how cute he looked in his outfit.

He wore a bandana around his neck, with torn jeans, and a black shirt. "Although, I didn't expect to see you come by so soon," he added. "I know... I figured that since I wasn't busy, I should stop by really soon," I answered. "Oh okay," he spoke softly. I looked him in the eyes and saw how red his cheeks looked. Arthur's skin was really pale, and his hair was such a chaotic mess.

I loved it.

"Sorry if I seem a little nervous... you see, no one really wants to talk to me much, so it is just all surprising," he spoke nervously. Arthur began to nervously take out a blunt from his pocket and began to light it. That must be how he managed not to get so nervous. "Well, what should we do first?" I asked with a smile. Arthur had crossed his arms and began to breathe in the pot he lit. Suddenly he breathed out and looked at me.

"Wanna get high?" He asked.

My eyes widened, and I began to laugh a lot. It took him back, and he lifted a brow. "What is it?" He asked. I laughed at how shocked he looked, and I tried to calm down. "So is that a no?" he asked confused. "No, let's do it" I nodded amusedly. "Plus, we can listen to some of the music I brought, do you got a cassette player?" I added.

His grin slightly raised and he nodded. "Nice.... and I do! Let's go into my secret room," he smiled a little. Arthur gestured for me to take off my shoes, and I did as he gestured. "You aren't going to kill me, right?" I asked as a joke. Arthur rolled his eyes at me and nudged me a little "oh please as if you are worth that effort," he sassed.

I laughed at his joke and began to follow him toward the back of his home. We walked into the hallway between his room and the bathroom. He lived alone..... that's cool.

Arthur suddenly reached the ceiling and began pulling down a surprise staircase. "Just follow me up here," he spoke. I nodded, and he began to climb up this ladder. I made the mistake of looking up and looking right at his ass.

It was an awkward situation for me, and I didn't want it to seem like I would be checking him out from down here. I began to climb up the ladder as well, and I sat at the top. It was a little dark, but he reassured me not to freak out. "Alright! This is my attic... AKA my secret room," he smiled slightly. Arthur came up to close the exit, and I was able to look around his room.

It was really nice and I was right about him having a lot of records. They were all over the walls from the different bands he liked. "Go ahead and take a seat; I'll get you a drink," he spoke. I sat on one of the bean bags he had and waited for him to come back over.

Arthur came by with water for me, and I accepted with a smile. Arthur sat in the bean bag in front of me and began to set up a cassette player. "Can I see what you got?" He asked. I nodded at him and handed him the mix I had made for him. "Nice," he spoke under his breath. He began to put the cassette in the player, and he sat down in front of me. "It's really nice in here," I spoke. He nodded and looked around, too. "thank you."

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