Unexpected Guest

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Matt was furious as he helped Sarah carry the unconscious man into her guest room an hour later.  He scowled hard at her as they set him down.  "You're out of your damn mind, Sarah!  This is how people get themselves killed!  I'm going to be a wreck all night long now!"

Melissa was standing in the doorway with her arms crossed in front of her, her expression mirroring Matt's.  She was no more happy about Sarah's decision than he was.  "You should know better, Sarah, you work for the Sheriff's office.  Even more so after what already happened to you!"

Sarah crossed her arms in front of her.  "I don't know what it is but I feel like I'll be fine.  You know my instincts are dead on."

Matt clinched his fists tight, "I still say this is highly irresponsible and reckless! And your instincts aren't always dead on, ,case in point your ex-husband."

Sarah flinched but then gave him a tight hug knowing it was his fear of a repeat of the past, "Don't worry, Matt.  I have a gun if he gets frisky."

Matt scowled then gave a heavy sigh.  "Damn.  At least let's make sure he's not packing anything himself."

Matt searched him and removed the bag that was on his hip.  It was filled with scrolls, throwing stars, and kunai.  He gave her a scowl that she responded with, "He's Cosplaying.  What do you expect?"  He found two more Kunai inside his vest before he was satisfied that he had disarmed the other man.

"I'm putting these in your room for now," he muttered as he left.

Melissa stepped out of the way when he passed then looked at her.  "Do you know what you're doing?  You're taking a big chance here on a little bit of lust."

Sarah gasped, "I beg your pardon?"

"Don't you give me that look, Sarah Lee De'Arr!" Melissa responded sharply.  "I know you well enough to know you're trusting him because he looks so much like Kakashi it's almost freaky.  But that man isn't Kakashi."

Sarah's cheeks flushed, "I'm trusting him because my gut tells me to.  I will admit, I'm very attracted to what I see but that isn't why."

Melissa gave her a doubtful look then turned to him.  She pulled her phone out and took a photograph of his unmasked face.  "Just in case you disappear never to be seen again."

Sarah face palmed.  Matt came back in the room and looked awkward standing in the doorway.  He knew he needed to leave but she could tell he didn't want to do so.  "Don't worry about it, Matt.  Look, I'll message you both when he is awake and I'll message you again when I'm one hundred percent certain I am in no danger."

Matt scowled, Melissa frowned.  They both let out a long breath.  "You know, there is no reasoning with her when she's made up her mind about something." Melissa told Matt.

"Yeah, don't I know it, damn it all!"  He pointed at Sarah, "One fishy thing and you better call my ass.  I'll be right back over with my .9mm!"

"Promise," Sarah nodded while crossing her heart.

Kakashi remained still in the bed. He had woken up a while before when they were carrying him to the bed but had kept his breathing regulated so they did not know he was awake. A Shinobi's greatest tool was information and when people thought someone was out they were freer with their words than normal.  He had a hard time not smiling at the male's words.  He was obviously protective of the female.  A brother perhaps?  He could almost see the reluctance to leave but as the other woman had said, he had a family and had no choice.

Something else that was bothering him was the earlier conversation where they had said his name but that he wasn't really himself?  What did that even mean?

Melissa waited until Matt left before shifting her gaze back to the man.  "I could stay..." She then laughed at the look her friend was giving her.  "Fine, fine.  I'll go.  Honestly, you're rather hot and bothered about this."

Sarah laughed, "Well y'all are the ones who were just saying I needed to get laid!"

Kakashi felt his face getting hot now.  She wasn't actually thinking... good Lord she didn't even know him...

"This isn't what we had in mind!"

Sarah smirked, "I'm just messing with you.  You know I don't want nothing to do with real men but I gotta say... damn, this one almost tempts me."

Kakashi almost laughed but managed to control himself.  That was something of a relief and a disappointment all at once.  Through with real men?  What in the world was she talking about?  What kind of men was she into?

Melissa laughed, "You better hope he was still out when you said that.  A man is a man if he thinks he can score with a woman, he's going for it."

Kakashi then almost snorted.  Not all men, woman.  He'd managed to remain celibate the entirety of his life, granted it had not been that difficult since women avoided him for the most part.  He had focused on his path as a Shinobi, taking a different path.

Sarah rolled her eyes, "Get out of here.  I'm fine, for real.  Trust me."

"I do trust you and that instinct of yours, which is the ONLY reason I'm leaving right now."  Melissa shook her head, "If it wasn't so accurate I'd have kicked you in the ass and tossed him in the street already."

Sarah laughed hard at the words and walked over to her.  She gave her a tight hug.  "Thank you, that means a lot that you trust me.  Now go play with your goodies while I figure out what to do with him and what to order in for dinner."

"Same as Matt, you better call me if things go sideways," Melissa told her before backing away from her to the front door.

Sarah stood in the room for a long moment and stared at him.  She gave a long, heavy sigh.  "Damn, why the hell do you have to look so much like he would in real life?"  She shook her head before moving to the end of the bed and grabbing the blanket there.  She covered him with it then placed her wrist against his forehead.  "Well... you don't have a fever.  That's a good thing."

Kakashi stilled, smelling apples?  Was she wearing some kind of apple perfume?  He was having a harder time staying still as she started rubbing his head as if she was looking for something.  The feeling of her fingers going through his hair was a unique experience he had never had before and it was so soothing he was disappointed when it stopped abruptly.

"Well, you don't have a head injury that I can tell," she spoke to him, which he found a little amusing since he was supposed to be out still.  "That leaves being drugged.  Why the hell would someone drug you and then leave you out in the middle of nowhere to die?  I barely missed you in my car.  You're damn lucky I'm a good driver.  This is a puzzle..."

He could hear her start to walk away from him and the lights overhead shut off.  She hesitated in the doorway before firmly shutting the door in her wake.  He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling for a long time. He absently rubbed his naked chin, absently wondering what they did with his mask as he processed the whole conversation.

What happened to him and where was he?

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