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Kakashi turned her words over in his mind even as he stared at her face in rest. That was a trauma response. Something had obviously happened to her before to fight that hard. He cursed under his breath before taking her in his arms and laying her down on her bed. He gave a slight scowl at the body pillow before flipping it over and was relieved to see a clothed version of himself on the opposite side... although the pants were unzipped.  He face palmed, feeling like he had stepped into some kind of comedy staring himself.

He then turned to search her room.  It did not take him long to find the weapon she had been going after.  He was not sure what it was exactly but he could discern which end was the deadly side and the mechanism used to activate it.  He tucked it into his pants waist for a moment before looking for and finding all of his weapons that... Matt - that was the name she had used earlier - had relieved him of when he had searched him.  He felt a little better now that he was properly armed again.  He pulled her weapon out again and shook his head.  There was no way in hell he was letting her anywhere near it until he convinced her he was who he said he was.

Kakashi knew he had a good twenty minutes before she woke back up.  He walked out of the bedroom then started looking around for a place to hide her weapon from her.  He finally found a place that was high enough she would have to get something to reach it but also not a place she would look for it at as well.  Once he had stashed that out of the way, he walked back into her room for a more thorough search.

He needed to understand her better if he was going to be dealing with her.  She had surprised him at how vicious she had become in her bid of escape.  Trauma, he understood that well.  He had seen it many times in the course of his years.  His search produced very little at first.  He was surprised when he came across a photograph of her and two others.  He assumed it was Matt and the other woman she had been with earlier.  She had been a chunky little thing at one time.  He shook his head and continued looking.  He finally found a box in the closet tucked in the back, buried beneath blankets.

Kakashi pulled it out and went back to the bed.  He stretched out next to her before opening it and looking through the contents.  He found her birth certificate, something called a Social Security Card - he had something similar in the wallet Sasuke had given him, another birth certificate...  He stilled as he looked at it.  It was for a child.  The name of the father was Anakin Roberts.  The mother... Sarah Roberts.  He glanced over at her.  She had been married and had a child, Noah.  He closed his eyes briefly as he saw the death certificate for Noah behind the birth certificate.  He sighed, that was a hard thing to take and no doubt a source of more trauma but that would not have sparked the wild cat she had been earlier.

He continued flipping through the paperwork and then froze as he found it.  He set the box to the side for a moment as he read the papers.  STATE OF TEXAS VS ROBERTS, ANAKIN.  Count I - Murder In The First Degree.  Count II - Attempted Murder in the First Degree. Count III - Aggravated Sexual Assault in the First Degree.  Count IV - Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Count V - False Imprisonment... He set the paper down and went back to the death certificate.  Cause of death: Murder. 

"Fuck," Kakashi said softly.

He forced himself to read the rest of the document before packing everything back into the box and returning it.  He sat back down on the bed and stared at her for a moment.  No wonder she had been like a crazed animal.  Her own husband had killed their child and almost her as well.  It had just been a matter of luck in her case as the "bullet" - whatever that was - that he had fired into her head had been deflected somehow and had not penetrated as it should have.  Unfortunately their son had not been as fortunate.  The paperwork had been detailed into what all had happened and the verdict.  He had been sentenced to death for what he had done.

He then noticed the small photograph on the nightstand of a little boy.  He had only been six when his father had murdered him.  He had seen so many nightmarish things during war that it was not as shocking as it might have been for someone else.  Children and women usually bore the brunt of evil.  He wondered at why she had it partially covered by one of his statues.  Perhaps it was too painful to look at but at the same time she had to have it near.

Kakashi sighed heavily, "Sorry Sarah."  He moved a longer strand of her longer bangs to the side and then noticed the faint red scar receding into her hair.  She probably kept the long bangs just for that purpose to hide it.  It would be a constant reminder of what she had survived every time she looked in the mirror.  This was going to complicate his dealings with her unless he could convince her he was himself.  He frowned as he tried to think of how to convince her.

Thunder boomed outside and he glanced towards the window.  The rain had caught up with them and was now down pouring outside.

Sarah flinched slightly as she started to come out of the inky darkness.  Her mind instantly going back to the moments just before her unexpected guest had touched her forehead with his fingers... what the hell?  How did he knock her out like that?  She did a self-assessment, expecting some kind of pain; however, she didn't feel anything... except she gasped as she realized he was holding her in his lap.  His arms were wrapped around her own while his legs were also wrapped around her own.  Her eyes flashed open and he chuckled softly.

"Ah, so you're finally awake," he spoke softly from behind her.  "And before you try to head butt me again, at least give me the chance to prove what I'm saying."

Sarah swallowed hard as she looked at the arms and legs confining her.  He was not holding her too tight but at the same time, she suspected if she moved to escape he would tighten his hold on her.  She shifted her head to look back at him, his gray eyes which were too close in her opinion were slightly narrowed on her as if he expected another attack.

"How did you do that?"

"I told you, I'm Kakashi Hatake in the flesh.  It's just one of the things I can do with my Chakra."  He narrowed his eyes slightly on her, "You've seen me do that I suspect on the show, have you not?"

Sarah narrowed her eyes on him in response, "Yes, Kakashi has done that but he's a fictional character!  You're not the same Kakashi Hatake!  Stop acting like you are!  You've taken this whole Cosplay thing too far!"

"You love him, right?"

Sarah gasped and then did try to get loose from him.  He did exactly as she thought he would do and locked her down tight.  "That is none of your business!"

Kakashi laughed at the words, "Of course it is since it is me we are talking about."  He then leaned close to her ear, "It's rather obvious considering this room is like a shrine."

"This is a fucking nightmare," she moaned.  "What do you want?  I assume if you had planned on raping or killing me, you'd have done it while I was out."

"I want you to believe me," he responded.  "Tell me, Sarah, what is something I can do to prove to you that I am who I say I am?"

Sarah smirked slightly, "Make a Chidori or Purple Lightning.  No one in this world can do that."

His brows rose, "That's it?"

Sarah rolled her eyes, "Please, you can't-"

Kakashi smirked slightly before tightening one arm around her while raising the other one up so that she could see his hand in front of her.  The Chidori flared to life in his hand and she froze as she stared at it.  "What say you now, Sarah?"

"Oh. My. God."

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