Evil Resides In Shadows

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Anakin Roberts simmered in his rage as he sat in his prison cell.  Only ChoMos, Child Molesters, were hated in prison more than former cops.  It was a good thing that all inmates on Death Row were separated from one another or he would have had any number of horrors done to him.  All because of that whore bitch he had married.  Worst yet, his fight against his death row conviction had lost its most recent appeal.  Why the fuck didn't that bullet kill her?

He had gone over it in his mind over and over again.  Obsessed over it.  He had shot her in the head but somehow, it had deflected off her skull.  It all his years as a cop, he had never known a .9mm bullet to do that with any kind of bone.  22 caliber bullets were known to do that but not .9mm's.  It did not make sense how that had happened.  She had even caused him to kill his own son.  Again and again he watched as his son's brains splattered across their cream colored carpet.  He had been so close to ending his own life as well only to have that bitch stop him from that forcing this hell upon him.

If she had just stayed fat and plump, perhaps she wouldn't have been so eager to spread her legs to Deputy Avery so readily.  He knew without a doubt the two of them had been fucking.  He had tailed them a couple of times and while they had not done anything by his observations, he knew they had to.  They had too good of a time together and there was no man and woman that could be friends like that without fucking.  He had beat her for her own good, teaching her that it wasn't acceptable behavior for his woman but that bitch didn't get the message.

He wanted... no needed... to get revenge on her for causing everything to happen.  He had already set a plan in motion but it was taking a lot longer than he had expected it to happen.  The bitch should already be dead by his estimation.  He would deal with Deputy Avery once he took care of her.  The two of them had been plotting against him, he knew it.  He was certain she was leaving him that day to go to him and taking their son with her.

Fucking bitch.  Cunt.  Whore.

"Roberts, you got a visitor," One of the officers on duty said while stopping outside his cell with a set of leg shackles and handcuffs.

About fucking time, he thought to himself as he quietly stood and went to the officer.  After being shackled up he made the long trip to the visitation room.  Unlike regular prison, his visits were behind glass through a phone.  Almost all of his family had turned their back on him, including his parents, but his youngest half brother had stood next to him.  Mirroring his hatred for the woman who had fucked his life.

No one knew that they were brothers, except for his father.  He was the by-blow of a long standing affair that as far as he knew, was still ongoing.  He had known of his brother only because his father had taken him as cover for his visits with his mistress.  He had been a little kid but he had grown fond of the kid as he had looked up to him, respected him.  They had been closer than he had ever been with his full brother and sister.

He sat down from his brother and the two of them stared at each other for a second before reaching for the phone to talk.  They both were smart enough to know not to talk openly about what they had been planning but he could tell by his brother's expression, that something was very wrong.

"So that bitch Jenny has got herself a boyfriend," his brother spat.  "Moved in with him."

Code words.  Jenny was the reference they used for Sarah.  His brother had created the tale that Jenny was a girlfriend of his.  Anakin's face flushed in anger at the words and clinched his hands tightly in front of him.

"What the fuck?!  How could she do that when she had you?"

"Apparently I'm not what she really wanted," he responded with the same level of anger.  "Trust me, I did everything I could to make that bitch happy."

"What do you know about the guy?"

"Not much," he responded.  "Some kind of martial arts guy.  That's all I know."

"Fucking bitch!" Anakin snarled.

"Settle down, Roberts, or your visit will be over!" The officer snapped from where he was standing.

"Don't worry brother, I don't need that bitch to get where I want to get," his brother said through the phone.  "I'll accomplish what I need on my own without her.  I promise, I'll get it done."

Anakin pressed his hand against the glass and his brother met it from the other side.  They stared back and forth at each other, both sharing the same blue eyes of their father.  His brother lowered his hand first.

"What about your appeal?"

"Denied again," Anakin muttered.  "My attorney is trying something different.  If he's successful, he'll get the conviction overturned and I'll get a new trial."

A gleam entered the other man's eyes.  "On what?"

"Apparently one of the officers that made my arrest got caught up in some kind of corruptions case," he responded.  "He's going at the angle that the officer in question was friends with Sarah and thus could have planted evidence on me."

"That's a fucking stretch but I like it," his brother laughed.

"Too bad that bitch will fight tooth and nail to send me back to prison if that does happen," Anakin muttered.  "Fucking cunt had the jury all in tears with her testimony at the first trial."

A long silence stretched between them.  His brother leaned forward, "You know I planted some aloe vera plants.  Those fuckers are hardy as hell but this snow storm we had, totally wiped them out even the little seedlings.  Can't get any new plants from a dead plant."

"Visits over, Roberts," he guard said.

Anakin slowly stood, giving his brother a farewell before following the guard out of the room.  He wanted to almost dance in satisfaction.  His brother's message was clear.  She might not have fallen for his first plan but he would take care of her.  If his attorney was able to get the conviction overturned for a new trial and that bitch was dead as they planned, there was a possibility he could avoid the needle.  Hell, he might even be able to convince the jury that it was Sarah that had killed Noah not him.

He felt lighter as the shackles were removed and the cell door slammed shut once more behind him.  He smiled as he walked to his bed, snatching his most recent book before dropping down to the hard mattress.  Yes, that bitch was going to get just what she deserved.  Then he would deal with her lovers.

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