Food face-off

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"Ms. Smith, no note passing in my class if I see anything stupid from you I will send you straight to detention." Ms Haren sighed at me.

Sniggering to myself, I opened Will's note.

Hey sweetie, wanna go to the FDC pub today? I'll pick you up at 8.

P.S. Wear something nice.

Guys. You may think that letters are romantic but for me, that's one more tree you killed. But still, I turning around, looked at a messy-haired, blue hopeful eyed Will and nodded, laughing at the comical movements he was doing when I agreed to him. Some flashy dance move that caught the teacher's eye.

"Mr Lewis, I'm teaching Math not Dance. Stop dancing now!" Ms Haren screamed.

Laughing openly, I wiped carefully at my eyes to clear away the tears without smearing my makeup, to see Ms Haren glaring at me.

"Ms. Smith. Detention room. Now." Ms. Haren bit out.

"But I didn't do anything stupid!" I tried to protest while trying really hard to curb my laughter, causing my entire body to tremble as I vibrated to silent laughter.

Ms Haren shook her head and pointed at the door with a frown that seems to really hurt, muttering something that looked suspiciously like, "Your existence is stupid" to herself.

Laughing openly now, I left the class but not before shouting," Love you too Ms Haren!"

The detention teacher, Ms Anna, a young teacher looked up and smiled at me. I come here almost everyday and she talks to me like I'm her friend already.

"Hi Janice. Detention again?"

Smiling, I nodded and dropped my bag on a chair before plopping onto it and taking out a paper to doodle on.

~     ~      ~      ~     ~


The recess bell screamed and saying goodbye to Ms Anna, I grabbed my bag, running out to find Calista. She was already standing outside her class, waiting impatiently for me as she tapped feverishly at her phone in an attempt to defeat my high score in some music game. Calm down woman it's only been 2 minutes.

Seeing me, she grinned evilly. Shit something bad is gonna happen to me.

"So... Will asked you out for tonight eh? Damn I was hoping he would ask me." She said. How does news travel so fast?

"Ahh well, I'm more beautiful than you, so yeah naturally he'll choose me right? Who are you going with?"

Calista replied with a grin," Ron Sterling."

My jaw dropped. "Are you fucking kidding me? What spell did you fucking use?" Seriously? The ultra hot new guy in school? Damn. And I thought I was lucky. Hmmm maybe we can trade partners since she wants Will right? Well, I want Ron. And when I want things, I'll get them, one way or another.

"I flipped on my charm bitch." She flicked her hair at the word 'flipped' and I shook my head, grinning at her actions and told her about my most recent trip to Detention while making our way to the cafeteria.

It was packed as hell but we managed to get seats because we sat there since the first day and whoever sat on that usually received my wrath so nobody dares.

Until today.

Ron Sterling munched on a burger as he occupied my seat at our table. Hot or not, he is going to face the fury.

"'Xcuse me but can you like, get lost cauze this is our table." I drawled and gestured to Calista as I glared at him.

"Sorry. But you see, there wasn't any seats and it was empty when I arrived so I sat down." I gritted my teeth, losing my temper all too soon.

"Look. My basic point is, I don't care how many looks you get from the girls, I don't give a shit about how bad you look but you are in my fucking seat. And I run this school so now is the optimal time for you to begone." I jerked my thumb behind me. Hell hath no fury like a woman kept from food. Basically. Me.

"So?" He arched an eyebrow and smirked when I fought back the urge to head-butt or boot him out of my seat after stuffing the burger he is currently murdering into that mouth.

I threw my hands up in the air. "Dude. Just fucking get out of my fucking seat already." I growled with impatience and he merely grinned at me. Cocky bastard.

"Why don't you just sit on my lap then?" I rolled my eyes. "I, am giving you 3 seconds before I do something and you'll regret ever taking my seat from us. Three....Two..." I didn't bother counting to 1 because all I did was to slam the half-devoured burger at his face. Not the best thing I could do but, well.

Silence fell as everyone stared at what's happening, their attention fixated on Calista and I laughing at his face, which was smeared with too much tomato sauce. And of course, the chair thief.

He did something really unexpected.

He grinned.

And used a finger, to clear a path before rubbing the stained finger on Calista's face. With such speed, he turned and threw the burger at me but I ducked just in time, such that it hit another person's face and an all-out food fight commenced.


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