The Fight

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Tears ran down my face. Don't get me wrong. They weren't tears of sadness or anything. I merely laughed too hard.

Ever since Ron started sitting with us, we took extreme pleasure in watching Calista cringe at everything we, as couples do or say.

Today wasn't any different. Ron was already at the table before the both of us even arrive. Calista's first reaction when she sees Ron is to groan. It wasn't your typical ow-I-stabbed-my-toe or anything. It was like a groan of agony mixed with a muffled 'no' and 'not again'. How its possible I don't even know. Calista is quite a strange character.

I slid into Ron's lap and immediately started making out with him like tomorrow's Doomsday. Before looking at him in the eye. What I wanted to say was "Good day sweetheart?" But I felt myself slipping off of Ron's lap. Somehow. And as a reflex screamed "Fuuuck" so it sounded like "Good Fuuuuck Sweetheart?"

How I still said sweetheart in the end I don't even know.

Because of what I said, Calista spat out her food into the face of the person directly in front of her.

Which was Ron.

There's nothing more disgusting than seeing your boyfriend's face covered with half chewed lasagna. Trust me. Even if Ron had the most sculptured body in the world, if he had a face that looked and smelt like that, I don't think it'd be a good fuck. Unfortunately, Ron didn't see things as jokingly as I did.

"What the fuck is your problem man?" He yelled at Calista, who was still choking viciously.

"Didn't do it on purpose mate. Janice made me." Before her coughing resumed. "Then spit at her then! Why the fucking fuck at me? Do I look like a bloody target to you?" By then I sobered up alittle when I realized that Ron wasn't kidding around. And that he was seriously pissed off. But I took a glance at him and noticed that he shouted with his face still covered with the half chewed food and burst into laughter again.

"Well look, I'm sorry okay? Its just half-eaten food not like I puked on your face and besides. You are the one sitting in front of me." Her voice raised a little to defend herself and I agreed with her.

Still fuming, Ron lifted me from his lap and plonked me onto the chair besides his before stomping off to the toilet without another word.

Calista glared at me. "Can you fucking quit laughing for a second?"

"Wait 3 years man. That was the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my life. Should have taken it down." I wiped the tears from my face and snuck a look at my best friend.

Among the both of us, I am the one who is more prone to violent outbursts. Calista is the more...tranquil one. Although she does get worked up over stupid reasons like, mishandling of books.

Calista once broke up with this really hot I'll-break-up-with-my-husband-to-sleep-with-you kind of dude. Simply because he threw his copy of Romeo and Juliet on the table in his haste to remove his pants. Extremely extreme.

But today, the look of pure fury on her face made me stop for a moment. "Calista? What is really wrong?"

"Your idiot of a boyfriend is wrong! Tell him to stop PMSing or I swear he'll find his dick in a blender when he wake up." I knew it. An additional member to our close friendship is the equivalent of dropping Jan's phone in the swimming pool.


Ron finally came back, face clear and smelled strongly like soap, a heavy scowl on his face. "You better choose Janice. Me or that dumb bitch you call your best friend?" "Exactly J I don't want to see this ugly face for the rest of my life."

They engaged in a staring contest.

I couldn't come up with an answer for them. The rule goes 'Broship before relationship.' I can't abandon Calista because without each other, we are incomplete. But I can't leave Ron either because we just professed our attraction to each other and all.
"I can't just....Can y'all try to understand my postition?" Calista gave one last glare at Ron. "If you ain't deciding, I'm leaving. Go ahead and make babies with this idiotic fuckface."

And with that, she stormed out of the canteen. She may have a strong front, but I saw her shoulders tremble when she made her way out.

Ron turned to me and smiled like nothing happened. "Now, where were we?"

He proceeded to kiss the daylight out of me but I couldn't help but think about what would happen if I were to piss him off alittle and he get all cold and cruel on me.

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