The plan

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Calista and I, were having a sleep over at Calista's house, huddling under a blanket as we thought about how we can create a distraction. We've a test tomorrow and, we haven't studied. Badass or not, we actually do care about our education. Not in the I-can't-get-into-detention-or-my-life-is-screwed way but, we actually do.

Knowing Mrs. Brentyl's extreme fear of rats, decided to play a prank of her and make her postphone the History test.

"Okay... so we will place the rat under the desk 5 minutes before Mdm. Brentyl enters and act like nothing's amiss." I grinned and dangled the plastic rat and we chuckled.

"Yeah. Then, when she comes, she'll definitely notice the tail and scream bloody murder." We smirked.

"Ok. I, will act like the 'knight' saving the sixty year old 'damsel in distress' and slay the 'monster'."

"Yep. And I'll pull a string to move the rat when you put your 'sword' under the table to 'slay the monster'."

"And you know the rest! So, mission commence!" We announced, punching the air as we foresaw our victory before collapsing in an endless fit of laughter until Calista's mother popped her head in to tell us to keep it down or else we'll never have a sleepover. We had to struggle for about 3 minutes to stop laughing and when we finally did, I whipped out my phone and announced," Calista. Your phone. We are gonna stalk the night away." She smirked at me. "You are going to stalk Ron Sterling right."

I choked on air." Why would I?" I asked after my coughing finished.

"Well...maybe not now. But in a while, you'll see... If you do, you owe me an ice-cream." Calista rubbed her hands together with an evil grin while I rolled my eyes and turned back to my phone for a better source of entertainment. I eventually ended up stalking Ron, only because there wasn't anything interesting anymore, proving Calista's point and thus owing her an ice-cream.

~    ~    ~     ~     ~

"Ok, rat?" Calista took out a list out of nowhere and questioned.

"Checked." I dangled it in her face.

"Ready?" She threw the list behind me and looked at me challengingly.

"When you are." I smirked at her.

Grinning, we went back to our places, noticing how both Will and Ron were in our class. When did Will get in my History class? Oh well.

The telltale clicking of Mdm. Brentyl's heels could be heard from a classroom away so when Calista and I heard it, we smirked at each other for the last time before the mission starts.

"Class! As you know, we've a..." Mdm. Brentyl's voice died as her eyes widen so much they resembled a fish's.

Breathing quickly, she pointed at the toy rodent and whispered," Rat. Oh god. Its a bloody rat!" Before screaming at the top of her lungs for help, and jumped on a table in front of her, making the owner of the table, an Asian girl, Willa Wong scream.  Wow. For a sixty year old, she sure can jump.

"Never fear Madam Brentyl, I, Knight Smith will save you from that evil villian!" I cried, shaking with silent laughter. Mdm. Brently was too afraid to notice the sacrasm in my voice. Holding up my ruler as a sword, I took pretentious cautious steps towards the table. Sliding my 'sword' under the table, the rat moved out.

Right on cue. A point for Calista.

Mdm. Brentyl started screaming again. Jeez. Shut up woman. I was really surprised she hasn't fainted yet.

Taking a closer look at the rat, and putting an annoyed look on my face, I held it up by the tail, dangled it in front of me, and declared in a loud voice that it was a fake. Mdm. Brentyl, shook with anger and embarrassment as she got down from the chair. Calista and I started laughing, followed by the rest of the class. Ron was smirking. He probably figured the entire thing out. Unfortunately, so did Mdm. Brentyl.

"Ms. Smith and Ms. Tetcher! Detention room! Now!" She yelled. When I was about to leave, I threw the rat back into class, making everyone roar with laughter. I could feel Ron's eyes on me, even as he smirked.

As Calista left her bag, she reached in and our eyes met. We grinned evily and made our way out.

"" We counted down and screams rang from the class we left, making the both of us laugh so hard we had to sit down for about 10 minutes before we felt like we could continue to the detention room, leaving the class to a live rat to fill our pressence.

~    ~     ~     ~     ~

We saw Ron, crossing his arms, making his biceps bulge as he  leaned against the wall, grinning at us.

"Hey Calista and Janice." Smirk-face smirked. "There's a party at my house next week. Wanna go?"

Hmmm... Calista agreed it for the both of us, then, she dragged me towards the canteen. After getting our food, she whispered five words that jolted my heart for absolutely no reason at all.

"I think he fancies you."

"Wait what!?" I cried and literally jumped up from my seat, making the people around me stop and stare. "That's is an utterly ridiculous assumption we only saw each other like for lesser than 3 days and I threw food at him on the first day we met plus, he-" "Shut the fuck up Janice you can't lie. I've got evidence." Calista rudely interrupted my ramblings and I huffed out a breath, silently cursing her as she changed the subject really smoothly to gossip about some cheerleader named Aeline Maveri.



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