No. 43

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I added in extra stuff. Enjoy! Comment okay?

"Janice?" Ron looked at me tenderly, the way all girls wanted.

I bit my lip. What is happening? Why is Ron here? I stared into his ocean blue eyes, while he, stared in mine. I tried to look around me but everything was foggy around. Not breaking eye contact, he stepped closer, covering the distance between us. His eyes flickered to my lips before meeting my eyes again. Leaning forward, he was about to kiss me when...

"Janice! Drag yourself down. Now!" Jan hollered. I groaned. Spoil my dreams and wake me up will you? Jan Smith, you're so dead.

I grumbled and shouted at Jan to shut the fuck up. After throwing on a striped shirt and an ankle-length skirt and tying my hair in a side braid, I went out.

Opening the front door, I saw Ron leaning against his car. Sighting me, he grinned. I frowned as I approached him, wondering what I did to him. When I got close enough, he whispered," Janice. Don't frown. You'll have frown lines." I rolled my eyes.

Then, he announced," We're gonna try completing a point on your bucket list today."

"Wait what? You can't just park your fancy ass in front of my house in the fucking early morning to tell me we are doing shit. What about school?" I asked, not actually giving a fuck. I just wanted to know what excuse Ron came up with.

"Oh. They think you've a horrible flu and 'cause you don't wanna spread it around, you decided to rest at home." He smirked as I snorted. I would love to spread my disease to as many people as possible.

That way, due to the fact that so many people can't make it to school, they've to close down cause they'll think there's something wrong with the school and them officials will find out how shitty the school is and demolish it for good.

Jan chose this moment to come out and looking at Ron, he narrowed his eyes. Jeez.. what's up with people and narrowed eyes?

"Oh hi. You are Jan right? Janice's brother?" Ron stuck out his hand. Ignoring Ron's outstretched hand and my laughter at his rejection, he turned to me and had a 4-minute conversation on how I must be careful around Ron cause he's a new guy and if he's a dick, I'm to call Jan right away and he'll fetch me.

I nodded and got into Ron's Mustang.

"So.. What do you wanna do first?" He threw me a yellow notebook. Did he choose yellow on purpose because I really hate that colour. Inside, there is a list of all my 53 things I wanna do in my life, with details. When did he write it down?

"Hmmm... Number 43 then. Ride a roller coaster. And you're paying." I may not really like that dude but if he's gonna help achieve one of my life goal, who's declining?

Since my parents are always busy, and Jan is always very mean and stingy, I've never been to a theme park. Ron rolled his eyes and nodded before speeding.

~    ~     ~     ~     ~

1 kilometer away, I could actually see the climax of a roller coaster.

"C'mon!" Ron shouted at me, grabbing my hand and dragging me forward like an excited 5-year old making me laugh.

We headed over to the roller coaster. We didn't have to wait long because there isn't really people because, today a school day right?

"Brace yourself Janice." Ron sniggered and taunted me. I was about to retort when the roller coaster gave a frightening, and sudden lurch. I bit my tongue too hard and grabbed Ron's hand. You'll not blame me for being afraid. The fucking roller coaster is travelling at a speed of 205 km/h. That's the thing that made my heart migrate from my chest, to my throat.

The loop is drawing nearer and nearer. Everyone started screaming in excitement. And me, out of fear.

Okay. Going up wasn't that bad. I was starting to relax when a thought struck me.

What goes up has to go down right?

Well, fuck it.

Butterflies and snakes and worms fluttered, slithered, and wriggled in my stomach. Where the fuck did they come from?

We descended scarily, at 208 km/h making whatever that teleported in my stomach multiply. I screamed the entire journey mostly afraid of getting crushed through the tracks because the person controlling this (if there is) machine forgot to right it, crushing Ron's upper arm, making him moan dramatically, clutching it at his heart as if in deep pain. I started laughing at his exaggeration. At least that took my mind off the ride for a while.

When we finally got off, I was very proud of myself for not vomiting even though my head was pounding from the insane levels which made blood rush to my head repeatedly.

After, we went to every game and played we won quite a number of stuff and I got a giant bear (about 1.3m) and its really cute.

Its the trophy of the day. Ron won it but he said he didn't want people to think he's a sissy or something.


As he drove me home, he kept teasing me about what happened on the roller coaster which I insisted to take twice. 
We arrived at my house to see that Jan was out and so, I invited him in and we sat on the couch talking about random stuff which ended in a pillow fight.

Jan returned 3 hours later to see me tidying up the house, something I've never done before in my entire life and quirked up an eyebrow.

"Woah! Janice Smith is cleaning up after she's done? Fuck. Where's my phone. I need a picture of the moment!" Jan exclaimed and I glared and threw a pillow at him as he struggled to take his phone out of his pocket. It smacked Jan at the side of his face just as he managed to take it out and it fell to the floor, screen first.

"My phone!" He screamed as he dropped to his knees to kneel beside his phone to flip it over as I laughed silently at his exaggeration.

"Its cracked!" He whined like the stereotypical bitches in shows and my laughter just intensified to the point where I had to sit down on the couch I just tidied up.

Lame. Not at all interesting but I tried. Vote and comment for effort?

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