Unexpected news

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The doorbell chimed at 9 am on a Sunday. Who the fuck wakes up that early to fucking disturb people, on a Sunday? I groaned and shouted at Jan to answer the door as I flopped back into bed. Hoping its just some useless door-to-door salesman and that he/she'd go away the moment my older brother ask them to fuck off. 

"Hi honey!" I heard the unmistakable voice I grew up with.

I scrambled out of bed. I was in a rush to meet her not out of happiness but to demand an answer as to why she and Dad didn't visit or even talk to us in like...2 years? Like I said earlier. They probably loved their work more than each other or us. Guess my assumption wasn't very far off because after rushing down in a black and white skirt, I halted in my steps when I saw an unknown man standing beside my mother.
"Hi Mum." I drawled. Her face brightened up when she heard me.

"Oh! Oh! Janice I missed you soo much." She cooed as she rushed towards me and hugged me. I stood as stiff as a board, surveying the man who entered the house along with my mother. That man isn't my dad. I've no idea why she's inviting strangers to our house. My brain, still heavy from sleep couldn't work fast enough to produce an answer. She stepped back and sighed," Oh look how tall you're now. This, is your new father, Jacob Willard."

Wait. What? Did she say new father? New? What the fuck is happening?

I must've said that out loud cause she answered with a very bright smile with a hint of disapproval at my choice of words.

I glanced at Jan, who was also frozen with his mouth open as he tried to absorb the news. Jan was always slow when it came to taking in unexpected news. Not me.

"What happened to our 'old' Dad?" I asked, deliberately stressing on the word 'old', making Mum's relaxed posture stiffen a little.

"He cheated on me. He had a mistress for about 3 months. Until I found out. We agreed on a divorce and after a while, I met Jacob here. And I'm two months pregnant!" She reported with a huge smile on her face as she turned to face Jacob.

I seriously snapped. It is 9 in the morning and the worst thing you can do is to dump bad news on me like a dying tree sheds its leaves. 

"Have you considered our feelings? Sure you don't visit us much but do you know how much we still love you? Or do we don't mean anything to you? Is Aaron Smith really our father? Did you just marry Dad for his money or what?" I screamed at her. She cut me off with a slap on my face.

"Don't talk to me like that and try to understand my feelings. I called for a divorce because your father cheated on me. Wouldn't you do that too if your husband did?" She snapped but her explanation did nothing to cool my anger. Afterall, it isn't everyday when your mum you haven't seen in 2 years waltz back into your house and life and informs you of your 'new' dad and being pregnant. I felt like I swallowed an entire canister of coffee, knocking me awake faster than anything else. I was aware of the fury in my bones and the only thing thats keeping me from leaping at my mum and ripping out her head is the coffee table.

"No I wouldn't. My husband won't cheat on me because I will find one who will actually love me and cherish me. I wouldn't marry any guy just for money. Just like you." I yelled back, tears betraying me as they pop up at the corners of my eye. Crying be damned. As if I'm crying over that bitch. Not trusting myself, I turned to stomp back up to my room.

"Oh. And you know what? Don't ever call me your daughter. I will never acknowledge you as my mother. " I called over my shoulder. I slammed my door and jumped onto my bed. Why is this happening to me? Why am I experiencing heartbreak in waves? I buried my head into my pillow, tears finally leaking down my face. I felt myself getting drowsy and I just let myself fall into the net sleep laid under me, glad to be able to be free from the pain. Even if its just for a little while.

I awoke again to a sound. This time, from tapping on my window. I pulled back the curtains, expecting a puzzled bird and nearly screamed in fright when I saw a face. Ron. I sighed in relief as I unlocked the window and let Ron in. He kissed me when he was securely in my room before judging my room. 

Queen bed, full length mirror, a neon green study table, my brown walk-in closet and my clear display cabinet with all my books in there.

Yep I may be a badgirl but I really love reading. And I take care of my books so that the spines don't bend.

I hugged Ron, making him frown a little before returning my hug. I started crying again, and told him about whatever happened in the morning. After the story, he nodded sympathetically. At least he has a happy, complete family.
"Don't cry Janice. I'll be your family. Jan too. Afterall, your family doesn't necessary have to be blood. Family is just anyone who is willing to be there for you in times of need and will be there to laugh and cry with you." He murmured, rubbing circles on my back. I muttered "Deep." And he laughed lightly at that.

After 10 minutes or so, when my crying subdued, Ron wriggled his eyebrows and said," There's a bed under us you know." I smacked his arm and laughed," There are strangers downstairs."

"Fuck the strangers." I gasped,"I thought you wanted to fuck me?"

You may probably be wondering how I manage to date any hot guy without taking it to the room without kissing me. Easy. I don't allow them to. They kiss every other part of my body except my lips. Because, I'm a serious believer of the fact that only people I love are allowed to kiss my lips. Yep weird. I got it from somewhere and just believe it.

Still not attached to the characters right? I feel you!! But I just don't know how to make them more alive!!!

Thank you for reading 'til here at least!! You deserve a medal. Or a trophy. Anyways, thank you!

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