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Whats your dream kinda man? Mine is DEFINITELY Charlie Puth. Beautiful person, good voice, tall and smart. All the qualities I greatly admire in a person all condensed in one single human being.

Being the top bitch of the school meant I could go out with any guy in the school. Jocks? Yeah.  The Nerds that have the brains but not necessarily the ability to handle the pressure of dealing with the bullshit people constantly give out? A bit of a challenge but still, yes. Hell, I bet I could ask a guy's girlfriend to get lost and allow me to have a little alone time with her man and she would allow me to. Not that I have tried but well, maybe I should.

I could go for Octavius Reons who was the second good looking person our school had to offer (Ron Sterling is the first because GOD have you see that face? And that look when he looks at you SIGH) He had made it pretty plain that he wanted a date and from the suggestive looks he wore when he said that, a dinner out wasn't the only thing he wanted. But otherwise, he was the star of our school's basketball and did well academically.

But guess who my foolish self decided to develop feelings for? Janice's brother, Jan Smith.

Sure he had looks and charm but it was his life mission to annoy the living hell out of me whenever he catches sight of me. And the best part? HE IS THE ONE I LOVE.

Now, don't start yelling abuse at me. I don't know when it occured or why. All I know is that I KNOW for certain that I like him. For what reason I am absolutely unclear because he goes against my ideal man. Sure he is (mildly) intelligent and has that adorable boy-ish face with green eyes that seem to perpetually glimmer with the promise of mischief and ability to piss anyone off if he merely opened up his mouth. But tall? I wouldn't exactly consider a measly 175 centimetres tall because compared to Charlie Puth's 180 centimetres, he is a mere dwarf. AND his singing voice does not exist.

Well, the heart wants what it wants right? No cure for this. Try as I might, I could never get the thought of us being together out of my head. I would forever conjour up weird scenarios of the both of us and think up crazy things couples seem to do together and envision me skipping into the sunset or whatever the fuck happy couples do while holding hands with Jan.

Disgusting? Yes, yes I think the same too. But I have managed to conceal this GIANT secret for as long as I have had this crush for him. Even Janice does not have to spare a thought about me developing feelings for her idiot of a brother because it is the most inconceivable idea EVER. I have tried to think up ways to confess my feelings but the thought of rejection or having my confession treated as a joke caused me to quickly abandon any plans to put my feelings out in the open, until today.

It was our graduation day, whereby each and every student had to step up on stage, shake the hand of the man who probably hates us more than Voldermort hates Harry Potter (a.k.a.  our dearest principal), smile at the camera at the tightness of our principal's mouth and the fakeness of his smile and celebrate leaving the hellhole of a school with loads of alcohol and good company.

Jan decided to turn up for this occasion waving a huge board that read 'CONGRATS DUMBASS' and gave loud hoots and cheers when it was Janice's or mine turn to smile at the camera. This sent him quite a number of disgusted glares by the other parents that turned up and, I'm not going to lie. He did amuse me so I didn't mind the dirty looks some parents threw me when I strolled past their seats.

We decided to head to The Diner (Why did they call this place such an unoriginal name I will never know) to hold our celebratory dinner and both Jan and Ron started arguing about who was to take Janice there. Obviously, Janice chose Ron because Jan is the worst person to be in the same car with when he is driving. Why?

He would force you to listen to the most annoying of songs. Blasting YMCA like its the latest track and even (good god) dance along whilst driving, or attempting to rap to the loudest raps, complete with the stupid hand gestures he does AS HE DRIVES. Sure you could try to unplug his phone and switch to something a saner person would listen to and he would not hesistate to swat your hands away and threaten to toss your phone out of the moving car, plug in his phone again and play the songs on his phone at twice the loudness. On top of the auditory assualt, his driving skills are extremely questionable. Reckless lane switching and last minute traffic crossings are things he can pull off that would stop your heart and restart it again with the shock of something else that he does.

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