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There are, some things in life that you unknowningly do to piss of the big G up there. I guess mine was to love.

I fell into the tunnel of love with Ron. Some people make it out still holding hands, staring at each other with lovey-dovey eyes, but some falling apart and broken to pieces. I was of course, part of the latter.

The Janice and Will show-down drew way too much attention than what I expected. All I planned was for Will to run up and down the hallways and scream out what I managed to find out but, of course he failed.

Will worked for me because of the money. And the sex. Guys like Will don't think straight. As long as you have that body they want, sex is the only payment they want.

But if he isn't going to create the impact I want, I'm bringing out the big guns.

~       ~       ~       ~        ~

I've been observing Ron and his little bitch for quite awhile, making me look like a creepy stalker.

I just lack the sunglasses and an undercover newspaper. "I need to go to the toilet." That, was the cue I sat past their disgusting declarations and kisses to each other. Calista, just sat there eating whatever and using her phone. She probably wouldn't get in the way. Her friendship with Ron still lay broken on the rocks since that other time.

Tugging my skirt just a little higher, I strutted across the canteen to my sweet Ron. The deliberate sway in my hips didn't go amiss by the other guys in the canteen. But I'm a woman on a mission. And I'm only after Ron Sterling. He didn't even look my way, until I stood right in front of him.

He gave a cursory glance before returning to his burger. I gritted my teeth and tried to keep up the smile and my temper in check. All my preparations for this encounter flowed down the drain. I ensured that my chest was pushed up and my tanned legs showing.

He didn't even care.

"Hello Ron." I strutted over to him but he didn't pay any attention, eyes fixated on his burger. I didn't miss the clenching of his jaw. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I slid them down his muscled biceps. "Ron, I miss you." I murmured into his ear. Swiftly, I slid myself into his lap.

Still no reaction.

I didn't wait any more. I pressed my lips against his, plastering my body to his. He tried to push me off but God help him. I let him slip away once, he isn't going to leave me again. I saw Janice's expression and smirked. My fingers ran along his body and I heard him growl in frustration when I wouldn't let him go.

I knew he wouldn't hit me. He was like a man possessed when he fights but I haven't seen him strike a woman yet.

Janice still stood there, but someone yanked me off him by the hair.

I turned to face my attacker. It was Jan, anger clouding his face. Calista wasn't far behind him, with a glare that seemed to be able to melt me.

"What the fuck do you want?" I snarled at him. His hands balled up in fists and held ready. He glared at me. "Have you ever sat beside your baby sister when she cried her eyes out over a break up?" He didn't even give me a chance to answer. "Probably not cauze you have no heart enough to care. But here's the fucking thing bitch, it hurts as though it was you breaking your heart because the person your sister is crying over is a wanker with a lousy sense of humor over a stupid reason." 

"That's really sad but do I care?" I expected Jan to just continue ranting at me but Calista leapt and punched me in the face.

"Fucking wake up you asshat! Life isn't just about what you fucking want anymore!"

I clutched my broken nose, which started gushing blood like a faucet and stared at her. Her voice softer now, she stepped forward. "I've been beside Janice before I could even talk and trust me, I hate seeing her cry. I don't like how you seem to be the reason why but I swear to whoever is watching up there. If you even so much as breathe wrongly in her direction, I'll take you down. Now, turn the fuck around go back to your motherfucking table."

I glared at each one of them but I couldn't do anything. It was a case of 2 against 1. The canteen was silent when I strutted out of the canteen, head still held high. But the moment the doors closed behind me, I think I heard a cheer.


The moment I noticed Nicole staring at Janice's table like a tiger on a hunt, I wanted to break every rule against hitting a female and slap her across the face because lets be frank, that girl deserves to be drowned in a pot of hot glue. What I said was extremely true. Her shutting herself in the room and crying her eyes out was not the thing a guy at my age should go through. It wasn't even anything Janice seemed to do because she was the same girl that knocked out this drunken group of guys that pissed on our lawn. I mean seriously. One second they were insulting us and the next, you see this girl going around taking them out one by one.

I did manage to get some satisfaction from insulting Ron though. The mood may be serious but it wouldn't be me if I didn't inject some humor in it.

The moment Nicole left the canteen, I immediately ran to Janice, who still stood there, Ron and Calista not far behind.

"You owe me food, Sis." Ron glared at me for saying that before engulfing her in a hug. I don't exactly understand why we were acting like we saved her life, but one thing is sure, we saved her heart.

I sound so sappy I should really stop sneaking Janice's romance vidoes into my room.

I soon joined them in a giant group hug.

Nice times

HI!!! New POV yes I know I'm pretty awwsome. But still, thank y'all for reading. TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS PEEPS!!!

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