Chapter 30: Raging Storm

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If you live in Mumbai or even if you don't you know that Mumbai is famously or rather infamously known for its Rains. Mumbai rains they say, a dramatic lot eh? They know how to be extreme yet so beautiful and mesmerizing and enchanting at the same time. You can either love them or just hate them but they'll always be a part of everyone who has ever experienced it. 

We don't see storms that often but then we do catch them here they're bloody raging. Absolutely wild. Reckless and merciless. Ripping off trees, tumbling the rickshaws, and uprooting houses. 

Yesterday, was one such stormy day for Mumbai. But, today Mumbai has survived. It always does. It's the most resilient of all. They might wreak an havoc but one thing they won't be able to destroy is our people's spirits!

This makes me wonder can we all be a bit more like our Mumbai? All of us sometime in our lives experience this raging storm, a raging storm of diverse emotions which might've devastating aftermath not only on us but also the people who surround us, the ones we love so much. Is it easy to move forward by forgiving or just loving them enough or just by making apologies or a few amends to fill those cracks caused? 

I don't know. I suppose that's an answer time can only tell. 

~ Aavya, pondering after a terrible thunderstorm.


Aavya was extremely exuberant this morning, little did she know that her morning was gonna be more eventful than she had anticipated when Zeehan walked into her office. It was gonna be a stormy day. 

" Hello! Don't you look rather gloomy?" She asked.

He tried to smile but his demure was enough for her to know that something was wrong.

" What is it?" She asked and he narrated the story as it was, with no filters and no biases. Zeehan is not known for beating around the bush. If he throws an arrow at the target it better hit the bull's eyes or not at all.
In half an hour's time, he sensed he had caused tremendous pain and agony to Aavya than he ever had in his lifetime and it nearly killed him.

The facts were laid and the truth was crystal clear.

Miher was no more than a double-standard person who just wanted what everyone else did, Aavya's money and her father's influence.

Aavya glanced at Zeehan, her eyes trying to hold themselves.

" I-I... I don't want your pity, Zee and I don't know how can I believe you..."

" I'm sorry but I don't think your meeting was a fate too. It was all a perfect plan. I knew I had seen that jerk somewhere. It took me some time to figure it out but I did it alright."

" It's his father, right? Not him. " She was trying hard to convince herself. Zeehan gave her his wry crooked smile.

" I wish. But I tapped their phones..."

" I don't think that is legal. " Aavya's eyes widen at the prospect that Zeehan could take such a step.

" It might not be but I couldn't let him have his way with you. Besides, I was monitoring only his conversations with his father and I found it disturbing that he was persistent in putting Miher with the sole task of convincing you to sign a deal to save their chain of hospitals. It is in a dismal condition. No one in their right mind would invest there. I knew I had seen that Miher before and I found him with his father in one of our conference pictures.
They were begging for someone to save their sinking ship but it was futile. " Zeehan saw Aavya's face change colors and he knew that in her heart he would sympathize with Miher.

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