Chapter 10: Envelope's Mess

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I've come to realise that there is something else that I abhor at a much greater degree than the Thursdays ~ Sealed Envelopes.
They are the most worst.
Crazy how they can upend, twist and wrench your life in mere few seconds.

~ Aavya, on the night of Raichand Industry's 70th Anniversary Celebrations.


" Let's start with the same question pretending it was asked by me..."

She shook her head in disbelief which convinced him that she was pissed but he also couldn't deny the fact that she also looked so cute in her spectacles with her hair tied up, as usual, scrunching her nose a bit. The water spluttered by her left some water droplets on her specs as well.

" Also, you should clean that. " He pointed as she muttered something and cleaned it off with the hem of her nightshirt.

The entire time Aman savoured watching her. He missed her and it did hurt of course.

" So..." He began.

" Enough already... I'm sleepy! " She was about to walk away when he pulled her towards her and it wasn't a crash as he had anticipated because she stopped and he let her go.

" Answer me. What happened?" As soon as he asked that she let out a short laugh.

" Wow! After all that you did, you want to know what happened on the night of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of your family company..."

" Rosie... This isn't high school drama. Let's get straight to the point. If you're sleepy, guess what, so am I. Why not do both of us a favour? " He tried hard to not let the whiskey get to him but he desperately wanted answers.

She was fierce and frustrated and in pain to see her friend like that. And now Aman shows up. She realizes he's a tad bit drunk but in his senses to not let her go until he gets what he wants.

" If you're dying to know then why did you leave?" She asked and he didn't have an answer. He had no idea why he left but a part of him didn't want to see the distress unfold.

" Who are you? No! What are you, Aman? You weren't like this." She continued and was about to cry, not because of her feelings for him but because she couldn't see Kyle like this.

" Rose..."

" You took off leaving your girlfriend on her own..."

Really? She needs to point that out now, he thought. It wasn't necessary.

" She's n... I didn't feel like dancing. I was tired." He answered.

" Huh-uh. Okay. But, why weren't you there when your best friend needed you the most. When he was hurt because of you, Aman...
He's hurting and you weren't there. You abandoned him like you always do." She said in the most apologetic voice, quickly wiping her tear off which was noticed by him. The last line stung the most but it was true.

He regained his composure to make his point.

" For the record, I didn't hurt him. He had it coming. I warned her about Naomi a while back. All I did was help him. I think everyone should Thank me. I saved his ass from the fraudster." She shook her head multiple times.

Aman noticed that she has been doing this for quite a while now.

A new habit.

" Did you know what was in that envelope you gave him? Did you know he'd make a scene in front of everyone present? Did you know that he will get so wasted that he would lose his senses too?" She stood there asking questions like a 6th-grade teacher.

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