Chapter 27: Frozen

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It was a rather dull evening after Pa's funeral. Rose and I were sitting by ourselves in the garden while everyone was doing whatever they were doing. We had zero ideas. I could feel Rose's pain emanating. That was the day Aman brought home his new girlfriend. If heartbreak had a face Rose's was just the one it would personify.

She sat frozen.

" Rose! Hey... Does it hurt a lot?" I asked even though I shouldn't. I had to know. She understood. She tilted her head and a lone tear slid past her cheeks.

" It feels like someone has snatched my own heart out, separating it from my soul. Then drenched it wet with liquid nitrogen and dropped it. It was so brittle that it broke into a million pieces and now that's it... Done and dusted." She spoke it in such an even flow as if it was all rehearsed and she was thinking about it.

" Wow! Sometimes it feels nice to be not in love, doesn't it? Saves some pain. " I asked with a wry smile.

" It might. But then to love and to be loved is the most human thing we can ever do, right?" She ended our conversation as is with the most painful smile I have ever seen.

~ An excerpt of Aavya and Rose's conversation. 


Zeehan was having a restless couple of days. After two brief meetings with Miher, he had some sort of gut feeling about that guy. The vibes weren't all merry. He was positive that Miher was not what he pretended to be. He might be good but Zeehan could not afford to risk his being the worst. He just couldn't. Aavya was more than just a friend, she was family. And his tumult led him to dig around this mysterious guy. He was busy scouring and putting his sleuthing skills to use when she barged in unannounced, startling him. Just like a raging storm. 

" Good God! Aavya... Knock much?" She narrowed her eyes.

" Were you sneaking around that I made you jump? I never knock, you of all should know that..." She slumped in the chair across from him.

" What brings you to my humble abode?"

" Can I not come without no reason? " Never expect her to answer a question with an answer.

" Oh! You can and you do. But... " He drawled," Your stride today says something else altogether. Spit out..." He smiled and she did so in tandem.

" Okay! So... Today I've decided I'll dump music and maybe even dance to get into fashion blogging..." Her eyes sparkled and Zeehan's banged his head on his table.

" What? " She pouted.

" It's a perfect idea. I have the finest dressing sense among us all besides Mumma of course but that doesn't count. I don't know why didn't I think about this sooner... " She said when Zeehan didn't answer.

" Zee?"

" You didn't think because it's the worst idea."

" Hell! You don't think I can't do it, do you? " He laughed when she suggested this.

" Oh! I believe you can do anything you set your eyes to but... " He stopped, bidding his time and gauging how much damage could Aavya inflict on him if he pissed her off which he knew he was going to.

" But what man? "

" All this you're doing, Aavya... It is not for yourself. You just wanna do something different because some random guy suggested you to find yourself..."

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