Time flies, it changes and heals everyone for the better. Things were pretty rough after Aman's surgery and everything that ensued. Those were the hardest one and a half years of our lives. Especially, Rose. She endured way too much and has traversed a rough trodden path to be where she is now.
' What's happening? What's going on?' It was panic written over Rose's face as a complex machine beside Aman's bedside started frantically beeping. All of us followed her lead and it was chaos. We had no idea what went wrong. Dr. Jeffs rushed in to check on his vitals. The surgery had gone well but Aman was unconscious. His body needed time to accept the surgery but all of us were getting impatient. As we stared through the glass partition we saw Aman jolting in response to some triggers provided by the doctors and then he went still. Blood drained from all of our faces and Mumma nearly collapse.
' Wh-what happened?' Papa asked as Dr. Jeffs walked out.
' Aman's body is not responding. His lungs are working only at 40% capacity. If he doesn't gain consciousness in the next 12 hours he might go into a coma or worst suffer an acute case of lung collapse which would be fatal.' As we seeped in one word at a time there was nothing left to say.
' What can we do?' Ayan finally broke the silence.
' Pray for a miracle.' He replied.
That was it. And that's what we did.
It felt as if the entire universe is plotting against us. The odds against all of us.
It felt like a war. No, it was a war.
~ Aavya's last entry in her journal after Aman's surgery.
Hi!! Guys...
'Odds & Us' is sold out. Who would have thought? Well, I for one didn't. It's amazing how it all started with this very blog and how grand it has become. This will be my last blog before I move on to a new exciting phase of my life. But before I'm gone for good, this one's for you guys.
Love stories are scintillating, aren't they?
They blur that thin line between reality and fantasy and at the same time they combine this humongous sphere of fiction and nonfiction. It's like floating in an ethereal plane. Messing with our already botched-up head but it feels good in our hearts. So, it's all worth it. Trust me, I know.
Odds & Us has been a journey about us. I know, I know I've changed all our names because then what would have been the fun in it, right? I feel blessed that you've been on this roller-coaster ride with me which is yet to end. We witnessed the story about childhood sweethearts, we reveled in the persistence of unconditional love, and we went full-throttle on self-love and personal discovery for a couple of them. iykuk ;)
I've got tons of messages requesting me to publish an extended epilogue since the novel didn't have one. I've been swamped with queries about why was it missing. Well, only because it was nowhere reached its end.
Another set of questions -
What are the characters' real names? Does each one of them have a presence in my real life too? Who am I in this story? Am I the protagonist? What happened after this, after that, and more?
You guys have been persistent to know about another thing as well - - Me. :)
And I'm loving all of it!All my characters are a part and parcel of my life and I believe you know many of them already. Using their names would be infringing their privacy so let's just let them be and enjoy their story.

Odds & Us ✔️
RomanceBook 2 of Raichand - Mehra - Malhotra Series A tale after the happily ever after... Some fairy tales have another story to tell even after 'The End.' Here comes 'AGREEMENT EXTENDED' - Odds & Us. It's the 2nd Chapter in the lives of Ansh & Ahana bu...