Chapter 18: Wired To Be

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This morning Ayan practically yelled at me that something was wrong in my head!
He had the audacity to say that the wires in my head are wrongly connected, just because I wish for Unicorns to be real. I might have even asked Papa to help me find one although I know, I understand it's a mystical creature.

But, who is he to call be a nut case??
How pathetic does that sound?
Well, the only nut case in the house is he. And nothing would change that for I'm wired to be me despite whatever he says... I don't care.

~ Aavya, on the day she wanted Unicorns to be real.


Rose still couldn't believe her ears let alone her eyes. She froze as a rose plunged into liquid nitrogen, all brittle and ready to break.

His crisp morning shirt was almost tattered and in complete ruins. His lips were wry with smudges of blood on the sides. There was a graze on his left cheek with blood oozing out. His hair was disheveled in a messy way. He looked shabby and smelled of... she took her time to accept that he smelled of mud and gosh! Alcohol. 

" God! Aman... What did the hell happen? We need to take you to a hospital... NOW!" She shrieked and pulled him.

" Also... Why in the sweet God's name do you smell of alcohol? That too is so strong. I quite remember you were all sober when I left you. I can't believe it... " She paused and stared at him again.

Reaching out to touch his face, she slowly traversed the tips of her fingers to the contours of his lips. He twitched.

" Sorry... " She murmured.

" What did they do to you? Are you hurt? I think we should directly ask them to do a CT scan or an MRI... Are you feeling any internal pain?"

" Shhuushh..." He put one of his fingers on her lips to make her shut up, as politely as he could.

" I. Am. Fine." He declared.

She shook her head feeling the pressure from his one finger.

" Yes. I'm good. All I need is a first aid kit and a change of clothes. A shower would be nice. Then we have to go to Kyle. It's time he knows." Rose stood befuddled. Not knowing what hit her.

Aman was so used to face her contention that he waited for her to averse but she didn't. The minute's silence on her part gave her impulsive brain time to contemplate. It was in their best interest if they avoided any hospitals. Aman had a chance of getting recognized although for a minute but yes she can't afford to be any news items.

" Rosie??" He called her softly.

She looked into his eyes. Her heart fluttered for a second, betraying her again. She closed her eyes and shook her head, mentally reprimanding herself.
Aman knew her well enough to know what had crossed her mind. That made him chuckle. His heart hurt because he knew he couldn't just grab her and kiss her insane. He can't confuse her no matter how much he wanted to, how much she wanted to.

" Yes. Okay. We should go to my place. Mom and Dad are at your place. I don't know what they are always doing at Raichands..."

" A question I ask myself too..." He shrugged.

" And Zeehan if I'm sure, looking at my watch, he is never home at this hour."

" You sure? " He inquired. She narrowed her eyes and didn't felt the need to throw him an answer.

She walked to the driver's side.

" Are you driving? " He asked considering that he had driven them in the first place.

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