Chapter 16: Dreams

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I had a dream last night that I failed my mid-terms. The other day, I dreamt about flying on a Unicorn. A few days back, I was falling into an endless abyss. 
Dreams can be so baffling but I love having them. An escape from reality! Making us all feel alive in some abstract Universe.
Then, there are Dreams we dream when we're awake...
~ Aavya, lost in their dreams.


" You know, all these city library dates, can't lie that I'm not always looking forward to them."

Rose smiled as Aman sat as close as possible whispering in her ears.
The darkness caused by the shadows of the shelves in the middle of the day made it a perfect hiding place for young lovers.  

" What is that? " He stretched his hand to find some papers with sketches and designs. It was some kind of amateur blueprints and layout.

" That is...." Rose paused, just to create a not at all needed suspense, and then spoke, ".... a dream house. Designed by Rose Mehra." She gave Aman some time to look at her piece.

" Wow! This is really good. You're definitely gonna be an artist someday."

" Not an artist stupid, an architect. It's astonishing how dumb you act on some days." She took her drawings back.

" Well, an artist isn't bad for starters..."

" Nevermind. You'll never understand. A house becomes a home only with love and I wish to create a home. " Her eyes were all dreamy and sparkly.

" Rosie... Trust me, we'll have a home someday!"

" With you... not in a million years... " She laughed and pushed him.

In her heart, he was already her home.
Little did they knew that young love comes with its own limitations. And Dreams are wicked.

The air was clear as they moved towards the outskirts of the city. No one spoke much, it was just a mutual agreement to keep the decorum of silence.

It was already dark, just some scattered stars to keep them company when they reached a deserted patch of land, which must be around 2-3 acres of vast open space. About half a kilometer inland they saw a silhouette, a house. Aman parked the car and they knew they had reached their destination.
The taciturnity was deafening with the gushing sound of the winds. The open area with lush trees surrounded them with a chilly atmosphere. 
Aman helped the ladies with the bags which weren't much, considering the fact that two women were running for their life.

Rose took her own time to look around. As she stepped on the pebbled path she noticed a signboard, something was craved on it. Due to the insufficient light, she had to struggle to read what was written.

" Hey!" Naomi called her.

" Yes. Coming...."

They were inside this huge house with white walls all around, almost minimal furniture yet as if it were ready to live in. All the basic necessities furnished the house. 

" So..." Aman started.

Before he could say anything, Naomi's mother held his hand.

" You're a good - good man... Thank you, son..." She trembled when Rose caught her.

" Hey! Let's get you some rest..." Rose comforted her. 

" The room's that..."

" I know!" Rose didn't look at him once and left.

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