Chapter 14: Passion

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Passion is an amazingly soothing, sometimes burning, sometimes languishing yet a satisfying emotion. The forms it takes might leave one in awe but truly 'What is Passion ?' is all I desire to know. 
~ Aavya, on a wistful night.


" Morning beautiful..." Miher blew past like wind from behind and sat in front of Aavya. His scent lingering long after that.

They were meeting for a nice country-style breakfast. It was Aavya's idea for obvious reasons. She liked making plans. 

" Hey! Morning... You look all decked up too." She noticed him in a Prada suit.

" Yes... We've got a conference at the hospital. Just the usuals, nerves n nerdy stuff..." He replied munching on his toast.

Aavya took her time to observe the man with grey eyes in front of her, devouring his toast with the avocado.

" Aavya... You alright?" He held her hand when she saw few creases on her forehead.

They weren't 'dating' dating, but it was an onset of a good friendship.

" Hmm... It's just that you really do love what you do, don't you?" She asked. She had actually lost her appetite now. 

" If you mean saving lives, yes but does that justifies working odd and extra hours each day, then sometimes I think I should've passed and explored a new path... "

" Uh, really? " She was curious. 

He smiled.

" Naah, maybe this is for me. If not this, I don't know what I would have done...                          What happened Aavya? Are you absolutely fine? Don't forget I do have my minors in psychology." He smirked.

" It's just that Aman pursued his passion and currently acing. He's have a time of his life. Ayan, I don't know maybe to be Papa's heir was his thing. I don't know where the hell I lie. It's just that I'm feeling so lost. " It felt good to let that out for once.

Miher analyzed what she said and took a while to frame an answer.

" Being lost is the only way to find yourself. If I were you, I would take a jog down my memory lane and just focus my thoughts on finding something that I love doing, it can be any damn thing..."

" Nice thing to say but I know what my hobbies are..."

" No, Aavya your hobbies and your passion, a think line if you'd define them well. Take some time off, you've already done what you had to do. You're a businesswoman. Now you need to think about how you would like to define yourself.  " She let that seep in for a while.


Amidst hiring the most impeccable staff, Aman has been scrutinizing the designs of his 2nd restaurant sent by Rose. They seemed elegant but something was missing. Just then his cell rang.

He glanced at the Id and picked it up.

" Yes?"

" You asked me to keep looking and I think there's something you should know." The man said in a deep voice as if he was whispering.

" Make it fast..." Just then there was a knock on the door.

" Wait... Not now. I'll text you and meet me there tonight. " He hung and the knocking continued.

" Yes... Please. Can't a man have peace..." And there was Rose as he paused instead of completing himself.

" Didn't mean to intrude but here are the alternate designs. I know you weren't satisfied with those. " She perched in the front of him as Aman took his time to notice her.

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