Chapter 15: Pandora's Box

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We all know about Pandora's Box, but do we really understand the moral behind that story? Somedays I try to -- was it the curiosity that led her to unlead the curses or was it destiny or if she knew what the box harboured, things would have panned out differently. We shall never know that.
Secrets lead to curiosity, and when curious, we tend to take that extra mile which could make, break or transform our destiny. But, the real question is -- are those secrets worth the destruction they might wreak?
~ Aavya, on the day she pondered on keeping a secret.


It was getting hotter every second. But, they couldn't stop. Buried feelings and strained emotions led them here where they are and no one was to be blamed but their stars. Emboldened by Rose's responses Aman moved to kiss the line of her jaws, paving a way to her right ear, and then whispered her name which sent shivers down her spine. He gently kissed and nibbled the soft spot at the edge of her ears and moved back to her tempting swollen lips. There was no space between them and he had to hold her against him so that they didn't fall down. She was fierce yet vulnerable. Her need for his touch was primitive in every way and her smell bolster his advances. His hands held her firm only to move up her waist and then to rest on her face.

Then, for a moment nothing moved, not even the air surrounding them. Their foreheads touched as both gasped for air. It was soothing and the mere presence of each other's fragrance had a tranquil effect on their nerves. 

But, like every perfect moment, this was interrupted as well. Their union was disrupted by Aman's highly unpleasant loud ringtone. Rose opened her eyes and realized what just happened. In an impulse she let her stronghold on Aman loosen to move away. Her sanity had crawled its way back and she knew in her heart that although whatever happened felt right it shouldn't have happened. It was a desperate mistake and terrible timing on their part.

Aman forced himself to see her face and he knew that look. She couldn't match his eyes as he reached his pocket and turned around to answer the call. 

" Hey! Thea..."

Rose's heart dropped 180° and before Aman could finish the call she was long gone.
They were teenagers all over again.
After pushing the chair and grunting some curses Aman stood there thinking how the morning will turn to be.

All he had to do was one thing - talk about Naomi and all he did was ended up kissing someone he promised he would never ever even think about.

" Shit... Shit..." He muttered. Despite being one of his best moments since he returned, something he ought to cherish, it was a moment ruined. If the pain of his actions was not enough the thought that Rose would regret their kiss was heartburn too much to endure. 

Shutting the place he went home. There is nothing else left to do now. You can't mess up something that's already messed up.


" Hey! Guys..." Aman was at Logan and Thea's Airbnb early in the morning. They decided to shift from the hotel so that Maxx could feel at home.

Aman was up all night and the first place he went was theirs. He hoped that meeting them would lighten his rough mood and kick-start a good day.

" It's so good to see you, man..." Logan hugged him.

" Well, how was the trip, you guys?" Aman settled down for a cup of coffee.

" Amaze... India's a treat and I'm sure you're gonna hear more from Maxx. He's drained, exhausted but so happy. He had a great time." Thea said.

Aman smiled.

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