The fight

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You turn around to see your Uber driver from earlier today. You jumped a bit at the sight of him.
"Uh hey." You say leaning in so he could hear you.

"Wassup! You remember me right? Reiner your Uber driver?"

"It would be hard to forget you," you chuckle a little.

"Come on let's dance!" He spins you around and places his hands on your waist.

In one swift movement you push him off and back up a bit.

"Yo! I don't wanna dance!"

"Come on you were dancing like a whore! You wanted someone to be all up on you."

You could tell he was drunk so you tried to leave. As you started to walk away he grabbed your arm and pulled you into him. Your bodies were touching and he started traveling down your body with his hands. You tried pushing him off but he held you tight.

Suddenly you feel someone pull him off of you and you were free.


You see him run up on Reiner and knock him in the jaw. Reiner falls to the ground and Eren gets on top of him and continues to bash him with his fists.
A crowd forms around the two. People were recording and causing a big scene and then you feel a tug on your arm.

"Let's go!"

It was Sasha and mikasa. You guys ran out the club to see Jean and Connie standing near the ally across the street.

"Ugh thank god you're okay!" Connie pulls you into a hug.

"Yeah thanks to-"

Before you could finish you hear some loud voices from across the street. You break the hug and turn to see Eren being thrown out the club by Levi and behind him was a disappointed Armin.

"Eren!" Mikasa runs across the street.

As the trio makes it to the ally where the rest of the group is you could see eren had blood on his outfit and all over his hands.

"Eren why the fuck do you always have to throw hands in the club!" Sasha screams.

"Exactly, I was about to get this one baddies number!" Connie adds.

"Yeah whatever man." Eren moves his shoulder trying to make mikasa let go of him.

"Y/n you good?"

"Uh yeah! Thanks for that."

"No problem babygirl."

"Uh do you mind telling me what happened in there?" Jean asks.

"This dude was getting a bit too friendly with Y/n" Eren explains.

You can see Connie get angry. "Connie calm down. I'm good."

"We should go to the 7/11 down the street so he can clean that shit." Armin points to Eren's hands.

"Ouu and we should go to Ihop after! I'm starving!" Sasha says.

Everyone silently agrees and starts walking to the 7/11.

"You know this is your fault right!"


You turn to your side to see mikasa mean mugging you. You roll your eyes and continue to walk.

Once y'all were in the 7/11 Eren went to the bathroom while Everyone else looked around the store.

"Y/n come here!" Sasha yells over to you.

You walk over and she wants to take a picture in the security camera.

[kinda like this]

After 5 minutes Eren walks out and everyone is in line holding a couple of snacks

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After 5 minutes Eren walks out and everyone is in line holding a couple of snacks.

You feel someone snatch your gummy's out your hand.

"Nigga what the fuck." You turn to see eren holding up the pack to his face.

"Mmm I love these! How'd you know?" He lowers the bag and looks you in the eyes.

'AHHHH why is he looking at me like that?'

"Um these were for me.."

"Oh- well we can share" he hands them to you and walks out the store with Connie and Jean.

"You know I'm surprised he's still with the group." Sasha says putting her stuff on the counter.


"Oh I mean he's normally going home with some thot by now."

You hummed in response and threw your things on the counter. After paying you walk out and see everyone waiting for you.

+Mini time skip+

Y'all made it to the iHop and you were about to sit down.

(Quick run down on how y'all are seated. Armin is to your left, Sasha is at your right. Across from you is eren and  at his right is mikasa and to his left is Connie. Jean is sitting at the head of the table.)

After ordering everyone got on their phones and started scrolling on various social media apps.

"Y/n did you ever have a boyfriend?" Connie asked setting down his phone.

'Welp that came out of nowhere'

"Did yo bald headed ass ever have a girlfriend."

"Mhm he sure did. Her fatass cheated on him." Sasha says joining the conversation.

"Ayo!" Jean and Sasha start laughing.

"Mmm well I can relate." You say looking back at your phone.

"Oh-" Sasha says stopping in the middle of her laughter.

"What happened?" Armin puts his phone down to look at you.

"It's a long story."

"Okay and we're here to listen." Connie says.

Authors note:
I'm sure nobody was expecting Reiner to be the Uber driver because neither was I and I wrote this 😂  next chapter is gonna be a backstory with a lil drama so😗

Ps: vote and comment:)

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