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You felt all over the walls trying to find a place to hide.

"Who's this?" Someone whispered.

"Y/n." You whispered back.

"Come with me." They grabbed your hand and lead you somewhere.

You couldn't tell who it was but you knew it was a guy.

"Watch your step."

You started to walk down some stairs.

'The basement.'

"Ow!" You fell down the last couple of stairs.

"Really y/n!" The person sounded annoyed.

Your eyes started to adjust to the darkness and you saw that eren was the one who lead you down there.

"Get in." He opened a door to a closet.

You got In and he followed you then closed the door. The closet had a lot of stuff in it but you and him had just enough space to stand.

Your hand was placed on his chest and he had one arm wrapped around your waist.

"This is a terrible hiding spot!" You whispered.

"No it's not trust me."

He started moving stuff around and he cleared a small area.


"What? No"

"Just Sit!"

"I don't know what's in here! What if there's spiders!"

"Then I'll kill them."

"Lies! You're probably gonna make a run for it."

"I won't do that now just sit."

You sat in the corner and he sat next to you. He was closer to the door so he was able to look through the slits in the door. Not like that was doing much in the dark.

"You hear that?" You started to get paranoid.

"Hear what?"

"Someone laughed."

"Wait someone's coming."

You two sat there with widened eyes just staring at the closet door waiting for someone to open it. You heard something fall outside the door and that caused you to jump.

"Calm down." Eren whispered in your ear.

His voice was soothing and calm. You grabbed onto his arm as you too sat there waiting.

"Are they even looking?" You started to get bored.

"Knowing them they probably forgot we could hide in the basement."

Eren wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer to him. You could've sworn you heard noises coming from outside the closet but eren said he didn't hear them.

Erens phone started buzzing.

"What the fuck!" He picked up the phone.

"Where are y'all? We've been looking for the past 10 minutes!" Connie said over the phone.

Eren looked at you and you looked at him.


"Dude what? The game started like 5 minutes ago."

"No it didn't everyone was caught already! Check the time!"

Eren slide his finger down and the time read '3:15am.'

𝗦𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now