Next time

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This chapter has a bit of spice in it!😈
(You have been warned)

After cleaning up the picnic stuff you felt a bit tired. You ended up falling asleep in the car.

You wake up in Erens room. His LED lights were blue and he was watching hunter x hunter. You turned to see him smoking.

"Is the TV too loud?" He noticed you were awake.

"No, but can you give me a shirt or something I'm uncomfortable in this." You point to your outfit.

"Oh yeah." He handed you the blunt and got up.

You took a couple puffs of the blunt and watched Eren. He had on light grey sweats and a white beater.

"Here." He handed you a large black tee.

You walked into his bathroom because you didn't feel comfortable changing in front of him. You didn't have bottoms so you just stayed in your underwear.

"Aw you look adorable!" Eren said as you walked out the bathroom.

"Shut up." You lay next to him.

"I assume you're gonna stay with me tonight?"

You nod your head and held out your hand for the blunt. You inhaled again and it finally start to hit you.

"What time is it?" You asked while letting the smoke leave your mouth.

"Uh 2:45 am." He picked up his phone.

You hummed in response. You both passed the blunt back and forth a couple of times.

"Open your mouth." Eren said after you handed the blunt back.

You did as he said and he blew the smoke from his mouth to yours. You looked into his eyes that were lit up by the Tv and LEDs.

'He really is a pretty boy.'

You both shared the blunt until it was all gone. He did simple tricks with the smoke.

'Show off!'

You look at him and he leaned in for a kiss. This kiss felt different. It felt like the one y'all had during your "date".

He got on top of you and started kissing and sucking on your neck. His hand traveled down your body and he made his way to your panties.

He played with your clothed pussy making you moan softly. Your juices started to make your panties wet.

"Aw a little friction does this to you." He looked down at your drenched underwear.

"Keep going!" You whined and tugged at the hem of his sweats.

"I don't think your ready baby girl." He laughed and got off of you.

He sat next to you with his legs open. You crawled in between his legs and started palming him through his pants.

"Come on Eren." You looked him in the eyes.

He let out a low groan as you continued to rub his dick. You pulled at his sweats again and he stopped you again.

"Aht Aht you're not ready." He shakes his head.

'I know this nigga did not just Aht Aht me!'


"You can ride my thigh if you need to cum so bad." He pat your head.

"Ride your- what the fuck!?"

"That's all the friction you need ma."

'He got me in the mood I might as well.'

You got up and sat on his thigh. He grabbed your hips and started moving you back and forth.

"You know what to do baby girl." He let's go of you.


You start sliding yourself back and forth. The more you did you felt a knot build in your stomach. You were panting and the feeling of his thigh rubbing against your clit made your body tingle.

You put your head in the crook of his neck and moaned in his ear. Out the corner of your eye you could see him smirking while watching TV.

'He's such an asshole.'

"I'm gonna-"

Before you could finish Eren slapped your ass and that sent you over the edge. You came in your panties then got off of him trying to catch your breath.

"Look ma." He points to the spot you were on.

There was a line of your juices all over his pants.

"Next time is the one for sure." He got up and went to his bathroom.

'What was that supposed to mean?'

You took off your underwear and left them on his floor. You laid under his blankets and thought about what just happened.

'Did I just beg for dick? Why didn't he give in? What's his problem?'

After about 5 minutes he came out the bathroom and he took off his sweats and put on basketball shorts.

'Why do I feel like he just beat his meat in that bathroom.'

"You want some snacks?" He said holding up a Walmart bag.

"Yeah." You held your hand out and he threw the bag on the bed.

He started looking through his dresser and he pulled out something.

"You wanna wear these?" He held up some black lace panties.

"Nigga are you serious?"

"What? Yours are all wet."

"I'm not bout to wear some random bitches underwear!"

"But I washed them."

"That doesn't matter dumbass."

"Okay whatever." He puts them back in his dresser.

He walked over and laid back in bed next to you.

"What are you doing?" You looked at him and he had his arms wide open.

"Let's cuddle." He smiles.


"Why?" His smile turned into a frown.


"Because what?"

"You left me hanging." You softly said.

"I said you'll get some next time!" He started to get annoyed.

"Don't catch an attitude!" You roll your eyes.

"I'm not." He goes back to watching TV.

"Mhm" you turn your back towards him and start to drift off to sleep.

Authors note:
This chapter was inspired by IVYKAZU 🤣
Sorry for teasing y'all like that...again. Do y'all like the pacing of the story? I want this to actually have some type of plot and not just two people fucking every chapter.

Ps: vote and comment :)

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