First time

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This chapter has ALOT of spice in it!😈
(You have been warned)

You looked into his emerald eyes which were surrounded by a pinkish red tint indicating his high.

His eyes went back and forth from your lips to your eyes. He even licked his lips and started to lean in. You did the same and your lips touched his.

The smell of weed and his cologne hit your nose and the mixture turned you on even more. He placed his hand on the side of your face while he moved closer which deepened the kiss.

You could taste nothing but him in your mouth. He swirled his tongue around with yours. He knew what he was doing so you let him take the lead.

'Tonight is the night.'

He pushed you back on the couch without breaking the kiss and he started to touch the side of your body sending tingles up your spine.

Before he could do anything more to you he broke the kiss and picked you up bridal style and started to walk to his room.

"Looks like I'm not as heavy as you say i am." You laugh.

"Shhh." He shushed you.

You opened the door for him once you made it to his room. He threw you on the bed then turned on his red LED's. Getting on the bed he hovered above you. The cross chain and a few strands of his hair were dangling down.

"You ready ma?" He smirked.

'Am I ready?'

You shook your head yes.

"Use your words baby girl." He tilted his head.

"Yes I'm ready."

"Good girl."

He planted a couple of kisses on your lips then moved down to your neck. He sucked and kissed different spots until he found your sweet spot. You moaned his name and he knew he'd found it.

He took both of his hands and pulled off both your bottoms and underwear. He used two fingers to go up and down your slit.

"You sure do get wet easily." He smiled.

You put one of your hands over your face because you were so embarrassed.

"Aw ma don't be like that. I'm glad she's excited to see me." He points to your pussy.

He slides down and positions his mouth at your entrance. You can feel his hot breath on your core and that made you throb even more.

He placed his thumb on your clit then started to rub circles on it. You felt his wet tongue hit your slit. He licked up and down a few times before replacing his thumb with his mouth.

He sucked on your clit and did weird tongue movements which made you a moaning mess.

'He really is a pro.'

One of his hands snakes up your shirt and unhooked your bra. You took it off for him and he played with your boobs under your shirt.

He didn't want you to finish yet so he stopped. His face was wet due to your juices and his saliva.

"You taste better than I expected." He said wiping off his face using his shirt then taking it off.

'Was that supposed to be a compliment?'

You ran your hand down his abs and bit your lip. His face started to turn red. No girl has ever taken the time to look at him how you did.

"My turn." You slide from under him and he laid down where you used to be.

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