On the beach

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This chapter has ALOT of spice in it!😈
(You have been warned)

"The beach?"

"Yeah we're gonna watch the sun set."

"Okay?" You slowly say.

"Let's go!" He got out the car.

You followed him. He grabbed a blanket out of his trunk and you both walked from the parking lot towards the sand.

"Give me a second." You said while taking off your shoes.

"Mhm." He started taking his shoes off too.

He held his hand out for you and you grabbed it. You interlocked your fingers with his and you both walked towards the water.

"Here is fine." You said stopping in your tracks.

Eren's aura was a bit off ever since you got to the beach.

'Is he okay?'

"Sit." He smiled while patting the spot next to him.

You sat down and put your head on his shoulders. You both stared at the blue water and the ombré sky. There was a comfortable silence between you two.

"Y/n?" He said looking down at you.

"Yeah?" You looked up.

"I have something for you."

"Really?" You lifted your head from his shoulder to look at him.

"Yeah." He dug into his pocket and pulled out a  black box. He took a deep breath before he started talking again.

'Is he nervous?'

"We've only known each other for a short time but you've made me feel emotions I've never felt before." His face started turning red and he wasn't looking in your eyes.

'What is he doing?'

"You're beautiful, funny and mean." He started smiling.


"Let me finish mama."

You nod.

"I wanted to give you this because you make me happy." He opened the box to reveal a diamond necklace with a heart pendant.

You didn't know what to say to him.

"Y/n please say something. I know I'm not good at expressing my emotions but I tried."

"T-thank you?" You smile at him.

"I still have one more thing to say."

"Go ahead."

"I really like you Y/n and I wanted to ask If you would be my girlfriend?"


So many thoughts and emotions were coming across your mind. You couldn't really comprehend everything but you knew you felt the same way.

"Yes pretty boy, I'll be your girlfriend." You gave him a hug.

"Seriously? I thought you were gonna say no."

"So did I." You said breaking the hug.

"Dead ass?" His smile dropped.

"I'm just joking." You laugh at him.

"How much did this shit cost?" You say picking up the necklace.

"That doesn't matter."

"But it does."

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