Cross faded

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On the way back to the house you and Eren ate and vibed to shitty radio music.

"Ah you're back! Y/n I missed you!" Sasha got up from the couch and ran over to you.

"Hey Sasha." You gave her a hug.

"Omg you have food?" She said pointing to the bag in your hand.

"Nah it's just trash."

"Sasha you just ate!" Connie yelled from the couch.

"Wait y/n what's this?" Sasha touched the necklace.

"Eren gave it to me." You smiled brightly.

"Lemme see!" Tyler got up.

"Aw so cute!" Sasha kept staring at the necklace.

"What'd you do for that necklace y/n?" Mikasa asked.

'What does she mean by that?'


"Mikasa shut your mouth." Armin said.

"It's cute." Connie said looking at the necklace.

"I want one too connie!" Sasha pouted.

"You must think I'm rich rich like that pretty boy." Connie laughed.

"I'm not rich!" Eren rolled his eyes.

"Yeah right! So what y'all wanna do tonight?" Connie said sitting back down.

You and eren walked into the kitchen.

"He didn't notice yet." You whispered.

"Notice what?" Sasha walked in behind you.

"Oh fuck." Eren face palmed.

You stuck out your tongue and Sasha's eyes got big.

"Shh don't say anything." You covered her mouth.

"I got one too." Eren stuck out his tongue.

"That's so fucking cute! But Connie is gonna kill you y/n!" Sasha whispered.

"I know!"

You threw away the trash and walked back to the living room with Sasha and Eren.

[A/n: Sasha is more of your best friend than Tyler 😭]

"We should play that game we used to play as kids!" Tyler said.

"What game?" You asked sitting next to Connie.

"The one we used to play in the dark!"

"Oh that one!" Connie said.

"Can someone please explain?" Armin asked.

"As kids we used to play man hunt in the dark. It's basically hide and seek but with all the lights off." You explained.

"Ohh that seems fun!" Eren said.

"Y/n used to be so scared to play it." Connie laughed.

"We used to play it at 3am and y'all pretended to be demons!" You added.

"We should play it at 3am then!" Sasha said.

"You're right that's only if baby y/n isn't still scared." Connie mocked you.

"Of course I'm not scared!" You roll your eyes.

"It's only 12 though." Jean said checking his phone.

"We should get cross faded! It'll be super fun that way!" Eren suggested.

"I'm down." You say.

"Wait y/n. What's in your mouth?" Connie asked.

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