Spilling the tea

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*incoming FaceTime call from Ty🤪*

'Damn that bitch got good timing.'

"Hey bestieeeee" you say jumping in the bed.

"Hey babes how was your first day in Cali!?"

"Girl a lot happened, but how was your day?" you say pinching the bridge of your nose.

"Girl my cousins driving me crazy!! But go ahead and spill the tea!"

[You tell her about your very eventful first day]

"Sooo you're saying your Uber driver from earlier harassed you and one of Connie's friends helped you out?"

"Is that all you got from that?"

"I mean yeah-"

"YO! Y/n I'm going to be- oh hey Tyler!" Connie gets in the camera and his voice goes from sleepy to flirty.

"Hey Connie, nigga you still got that low cut!?"

"Right that's what I said!" You turn the phone back to yourself.

"Aye Tyler I can't wait to see you." Connie grabs your phone.

"Nigga she don't want you! If anything she might want one of your friends!" You snatch your phone back.

"Man whatever. I'm going to bed!" Connie left a bit hurt.

"Girl you need to stop being mean to him."

"And YOU need to stop leading him on!"

"You right! But what was you saying about his friends?" She makes a 😗 face.

"Ouu right I forgot to describe them! So imma start with the girlies-"

"Wait he lives with girls?"


"Ouuu okay! They better be cute!"

"They are! So Sasha is the sexy ass brunette she's cool asf! Then there's mikasa..." you roll your eyes when you get to mikasa.

"Mika who?"

"Mikasa! She don't like me for some reason! Like bitch ion know you!"

"Oh hell nawl do I need to fight a bitch already?"

"No for real! I think she has a thing for eren so that's why she's acting like that."

"Hmmm maybe! Okay now tell me about the niggas! You was saying they fine!"

"Ouuu Chile! They are literally so fine! Jean is this tall buff nigga with semi long brown hair. Armin is this cute lil white boy with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes! I think you'll like him. Then there's Eren-"

You start daydreaming about him.

"Ugh hello earth to y/n?"

"Oh shit! Um Eren is a different breed! Like he's that fuckboy man thot every girl wants to get with. His man bun is sexy asf and I could've sworn I saw a tongue piercing."

"Don't get caught up with another playboy y/n! I don't want you to get hurt."

"Man I know!"

"Hmm alright. Connie seems to have a good friend group."

"Yeah he does. They all cool as hell I mean except for mikasa but Armin said she just needs to warm up to me."

"Warm up my ass! She probably don't fuck with black people!"

"Bitch Connie is black!"


"Damn I forgot."

"Girl he yo cousin and you forgot!"

"Whatever, imma talk to you tomorrow!"

"Ight y/n text me when you wake up!"

"Bet! Goodnight Tyler!"


*FaceTime call ended*

You turned off the lights and laid in bed reflecting on the crazy ass day you had. You slowly drifted off to bed with one person in mind.


Authors note:
Hey thanks for all the reads and votes I appreciate it!!🥰 Idk if y'all caught on but I did a little foreshadowing in here.👀

Ps: vote and comment :)

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