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The car ride was silent once again.

"Aren't you gonna say something?"

"Y/n we have nothing to talk about." He turns up the radio.

'Damn just like that?'

You pout and turn to look out the window.

'I don't understand why he's so upset today.'

+Mini time skip +

He pulled into a park at the front of the gas station and got out.

'He wasn't even gonna wait for me?' You roll your eyes and get out the car.

You walked around the store for a bit picking up different snacks. You got to the back where the gummy's were and he picked up the small pack.

"Get the bigger one!"

He looked at you then tilted his head like he didn't know what you were talking about.

"Get your own." He said walking towards the front.

'I thought he liked sharing.' You snatched the bag off the hook and walked to the front. You put your stuff on the counter and he paid.

He grabbed the bag and left.

"Trouble in paradise huh?" The cashier said.

"Yeah you could say that." You said walking towards the door.

"You should make amends before it's too late!" The cashier yelled ass you walked out.

'I'll try.'

You got in the car and he was drinking some water.

'He looks cute today.' You stare at him.

[his fit: with black slides and a Cuban link😙]

[his fit: with black slides and a Cuban link😙]

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He looks over and makes eye contact with you. You flash a smile and he turns away and puts the key in the ignition.

'This is getting old.'

Your phone dinged and you thought it was Connie.

"Is this nigga serious?" You whisper yelled to yourself

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"Is this nigga serious?" You whisper yelled to yourself.

Out the corner of your eye you could see Eren looking at your phone. You decided to block Draco while he was watching. A small smile grew on his face.

"you should try smiling more, it's cute" you said without looking at him.

He didn't know you saw him watching so that caught him off guard.

"I don't know what you're talking about ma." He quickly wipes the smile off his face.

"Mhm okay." You smile to yourself.

+ Time skip +

You walked in the house in front of Eren and you saw Tyler, Armin and mikasa chilling in the front room.

"Hey y/n!" Tyler got up to give you a hug.

You saw Eren dap up Armin then walked to his room.

"What happened y/n?" Armin asked.

"I'll tell you Later." You said following behind Eren.

"You need something?" Eren said stopping at his door.

"Can we talk now?"

"Yeah I guess." He opened his door and threw the bag on his bed.

You walked in and stayed by his door.

"Eren what's wrong with you?"

"What do you mean?" He sat on his bed facing you.

"You've been acting weird ever since you picked me up."

"When are you gonna stop playing games y/n? I thought the waterpark was the end of that Draco dude?"

'Playing games?'

"When you talked to him at the waterpark I felt something build up in me. It was anger but also something else."

"Eren that's called jealousy." You walked over and sat next to him.

"Jealousy?" He looked at you.

"You're telling me you've never been jealous of someone?"

"No, people were always jealous of me."

'This nigga-'

"I've never felt this way before."

"Not even when you had a girlfriend?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

"I didn't really like her like that."

'Then why'd you date her?'

"Well um I'm sorry." You softly said while looking into his emerald eyes.

He put one hand on your cheek and kissed you. It was passionate and filled with love. Butterflies filled your stomach. His lips were soft and it felt like he was melting into you.

"You're really gonna ruin me." He said breaking the kiss and laying back with one hand on his head.

[here's a reference.]

His cheeks were a tint of pink and you laid back next to him

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His cheeks were a tint of pink and you laid back next to him.

"So you forgive me?"

"Yes baby girl."

"Foods here!" Armin said knocking on the door.

"Let's go ma" he got up and held his hand out.

He helped you up and gave you a peck on the lips.

"If you act up again I might just have to punish you." He laughed and walked out the room.

Authors note:
Sorry for the short chapter I'm really sick and it's hard for me to write.🙁

Ps: vote and comment :)

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