I do...i think (Tom)

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I stood in front of my wedding dress, my nails bitten to their ends. This was it, after 5 months of planning i was to become someones wife today. I knew i had to go through with this but part of me knew it wasn't what i wanted. I had been with Andrew for 5 years but over the last year he had been distant, constantly working and ignoring messages and calls from me. It felt as if we were marrying to make others happy, sacraficing our own happiness.

"Knock knock" my mother came in the door, knocking loudly!

"You don't have to anounce you're knocking mother, i can hear you perfectly well!" I replied to her as she looked me up and down.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?"

"I have 2 hours before the wedding starts, i have plenty of time!" I rolled my eyes and sat down in the chair facing away from my mother, my nails returning to my mouth.

"Someone is here to see you love! Said he had to talk to you about an urgent matter!"

"Let them in!" I heard my mum leave and then enter again a short while after.

"Hello y/n!" I felt my whole body freeze as he said my name. "Do you mind if i speak to your daughter alone"

"Whatever you need to say you can say in front of me i am-" my mum started but i cut her off, standing up and facing the owner of the voice.

"Mother please leave. Come back for 12!" She looked at me shocked and then nodded before leaving the room. "Tom, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to stop you doing the most stupid thing you will ever do. You don't love him and you know it."

"Tom i-" i tried to speak but he stopped me.

"If you cared for him you wouldn't have slept with me"

"Tom that was a mistake!" I said trying to convince myself more than him.

"Which time!" Tom said smugly "you can lie to everyone but me....you love me and i love you. Andrew can't make you happy like i can and you know that. You just wont admit it!"

"Tom i can't do this! I'm sorry i can't. I love Andrew...not you" Tom laughed and looked away from me.

"Ok...look me in the eyes now and say that again." He walked towards me, tilting my head to meet his gaze. His aftershave intoxicating me. "Tell me you love him and not me y/n...and i will walk out that door right now and never bother you again. Tell me that the nights we spent together meant nothing to you! Tell me you don't crave my touch as i do yours. Tell me you don't want to be mine"

I took in a deep breath, trying my hardest to make myself sound some what believable.

"I love him....the nights we spent together meant...nothing to me. You...mean nothing to me" i stepped away from him and watched as he silently observed me. He looked down and then turned, making his way out the door. Stopping before he fully left.

"I hope he gives you everything you wish for in life" then with that he was gone.

I grabbed my dress and placed it on in a hurry. I just wanted this all over with, then i could return to my normal, boring, unhappy life with my husband who i never see! My mother came back in shortly after, telling me everyone was ready. I took a deep breath and made my way down to the doors at the end of the aisle.

"You ready darling?"

"As i'll ever be dad" i took my dads arm as the doors open, my eyes catching Toms, who had sat down at the back. I started walking down once the music began to play, avoiding any more eye contact with him. Andrew stood at the top, an expressionless look on his face. I got to the top and looked back out into the crowd of people. I  felt any happiness i had left dissapear completely!

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today" i felt my breath tighten and my whole body go numb. What am i doing? Andrew doesn't make me happy...Andrew doesnt make me feel anything but sad and lonley. Tom made me feel alive, he made me feel whole.

"Y/n?" Everyones eyes landed on me, i had zoned out. "Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" I stayed silent and looked to Tom who had just got up to leave.

"No" gasps could be heard from behind us and Andrew looked at me confused. Tom pausing and turning back to face us. "No! I can't marry you, i'm sorry but...i don't love you. I havnt for a long time. I'm i love with someone else and im through hurting them and im through hurting myself to make others happy. I'm sorry Andrew, you have been a great boyfriend but we both know this was never something that was meant to last." Andrew looked at me and smiled, agreeing with me.

"Two people pleasers deciding to wed for others was never going to work in the end" he joked. "I also met someone at work...she's the perfect girl for me" i smiled as i listened to his story. "I wish you the best life with your new partner. I hope he makes you happier than i did"

"You too" i felt myself be pulled into a hug from Andrew and then turned to face everyone "sorry everyone, weddings off. Thanks for coming and please do eat the buffet as its already paid for!" I ran down the aisle to Tom who eagerly awaited me with arms open. I dived into them willingly, his face nuzzled into my kneck as i took in his intoxicating scent!

"I love you Thomas Hiddleston! I've never wanted someone more"

"I love you too y/n..."

Ok so these are all new now. Wattpad deleted my old ones so i have to write them from scratch again. Uploads may be slow, my apologies!

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