The Mermaid and the God (Loki)

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"They won't come and help you loser. No one cares about you. You're an outcast! Pathetic" The women in the water laughed and taunted the young girl laid on the floor, holding her stomach.

"Next time you try to come in the water, you'll get much worse than a tail slap to the stomach" One of the girls hissed.

"Please. I don't have long left!" The young girl looked to the sun that was quickly setting. "I have mere minutes. You can't do this!" She begged and cried but the women just laughed.

"What is the meaning of this?" The woman all gasped and lowered their mouths into the water so only their eyes were showing. "Mermaids...i should of known." The young raven haired prince stood tall above them. "Why are you out of the water? The sun is setting."

"I have been banished from the water" The young girl looked to the floor. "My people believe me evil because i am half cast." Loki intook a sharp breath.

"Let her back in the water now!" Loki demanded and the girls hissed towards him. "As your prince, i demand you!"

"No sir please! I must do this alone!" Loki gave the girl a confused glance.

"Ridiculous. I have more power over them! I can help you!" Loki stepped towards the water.

"Sir please don't!" The girl shuffed away from him while concealing her woman hood. Loki pulled her up and carried her towards the water. She wriggled and pulled against him but he was too strong. "Your highness you must let me go!" The sun set as her legs touched the water but nothing happened.

"I don't understand!" Loki looked towards her legs. No tail! The women cackled as the young girl started to cry.

"She is yours now. The burden of her falls to you!" The women laughed as they dove beneath the surface. The young girl sobbed into the princes shoulder.

"You are her owner. She belongs to you." Loki looked up to the voice and found an older womans head peering over the water. "You saved her in her time of need. She is now bound to you until her death." Loki placed the girl on the floor and ordered one of his men to give her a cape to cover herself. She trudged to the waters edge.

"Mama!" The woman swam to her, her tail showing slightly. "I tried, i tried to get back in!"

"I know my love, but it was not meant to be! Your new life awaits you!" She pointed to Loki with her head!

"I can't just take her with me. What will i tell my father? What will she do?" Loki stepped towards the two women. His royal guard picking the girl up and placing her on in his horse.

"Whatever you wish, she is to do as you command!"

"Yes but why!" Loki asked with a hint of frustration.

"When a mermaid is saved by a man she is indebted to him for her remaining years! Since you attempted to get her back in the water, you were seen as her saviour!" The girls mother explained.

"And if the man refuses her?" The royal guard shouted from his horse.

"Then she will die!" The woman shouted back "I'm not sure if the rules apply for Alana with her been half asgardian but it's likley the same for her. Please do not let her die. I've told her so many wonderful stories about your world and its origins. She deserves a chance to fit in somewhere." She whispered to Loki who nodded.

"You have my word. She will not die! Is there anything she can do to get her tail back?" Loki asked.

"Two years to the day, if she has succeeded in making her master happy, she may return to the water if she chooses."

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