The Avengers Ball (loki)

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"Who ate the last of the Cocopops?" Layla shouted out into the busy house.

"I don't want to grass them up kid but he has black hair, bit annoying and always causes mischief" Tony smirked as he entered the Avengers kitchen.

"LOKI!!" Layla screamed as she set off down the hall to Lokis room and of course there he was, sat on his bed, eating her cereal. "You little shit!"

"Layla, a pleasent suprise as always." He smiled, trying to hide the bowl of cereal behind his back.

"You owe me cereal that was my last box!" Layla snapped at Loki who smirked at her.

"You owe me for my nuts you stole the other day!' Loki said confidently. "I guess we are even now!" She growled in frustration throwing her arms up in the air.

"Why do i even bother!" She sighed as she walked out.

"Love you!" Loki shouted smiling.

"Piss off!" Layla walked into the kitchen where Wanda and Natasha sat. "He's such a prick!"

"Loki?" Natasha asked.

"How did you guess?" She joined the women at and sat at the table, grabbing an apple and glass of water on her way.

"Beause he's the only person who can wind you up!" Wanda pitched in. "You're bascially just out to annoy each other at any given chance!"

"i'd go so far as to say you were flirting with each other" Layla spat her water out as she started to choke.

"I'd rather flirt with a tree. They'd be more interesting"

"That's exactly what someone who fancied someone would say!" Jarvis said as he appeared from no where, as he does on a regular basis.

"What would you know. You're like a year old!" Layla fired back with a smile on her face.

"Wanda makes me watch many rom coms. You and Loki will end up falling in love and getting married and having many babies" for the first time in her life she was speechless.

"I think you have officially become the first person to cause Layla to go speechless" Natasha laughed as she looked to the broken girl.

"I am not going to marry that man. Ever" All three laughed as Layla got up, throwing her apple core in the bin and washing up her glass.

"So whos taking you to the Uni ball then?" Tony asked with an letter in his hand.

"Tony stop opening my mail!" Layla screamed as she snatched the letter out his hand.

"I'm your uncle. I have to check that no ones sending you death threats"

"No, you're just nosey!" She sat back down at the kitchen table "and to answer your previous question, Tyler Gill!"

Two days later Layla sat down in the living room watching tv when she felt something hit the back of her head. She turned to see Loki stood with a smile on his face. Layla picked up a small piece of candy that laid next to her on the couch.

"You know, you could just...pass it"

"Where is the fun in that?" Loki smirked. Layla just sighed and turned to face the tv again. "Why do you seem so down today! You havnt insulted me once!" Loki asked as he stood in front of the tv.

"Get out of the way before the remote wacks you in the face!" Layla said annoyed, holding the remote in the air, aimed towards Loki.

"Ive had worst threats. What's wrong?" Loki asked again, crossing his arms!

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