The Rouse (Tom)

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"ASHLEY!...ASH! HELLOOOO!" Ashley shot up in bed, her head banging as she pulled the covers back. " Ashley elizabeth warren..."

"What are you full naming me for?" Ashley shouted to the bottom of the stairs where her mum stood with a coffee in hand.

"Toms here!" Ashley raised an eyebrow! "Well don't just stand there. He's already been waiting 20 minutes! I kept him entertained but i need to go to work!" By entertained she means she talked his ear off the whole time and Tom managed to get two words in maybe. Ashley laughed to herself as she ran to get dressed.

"Hey trouble!" Tom smiled as Ashley walked into his open arms. "Your mum was pleasent as always!" Ashley smirked.

"What's up?" Tom cocked his head. "Come on Tom. You don't just do house visits. You're too busy! You also never stop by without a text so you've just come from somewhere where you didn't have time to text! Spill!" Ashley sat and Tom followed suit. A small smile on his face.

"I just came from a meeting. Since everything went up in the air with...Taylor" he paused for a second. Ashley reached for his hand and squeezed it. "My managers are worried it's given me a bad rep because all the photos of me lately, i look down or 'a big grump' as one article said" Ashley looked confused but smirked a little. "Anyway they think it would help my image if i were to be seen with a new partner...someone i know i can look like i get along with..." Tom looked to Ashley whos mouth hung open slightly. "Someone i've been friends with for a while!"

"You want me to be your fake girlfriend so you look better? For your image?" Ashley felt a sting in her heart.

"You'll be greatly compensated! Could pay off your mums house, buy that car you always wanted, move into your own place!" Ashley stood.

"Don't. Don't bring my mum into this Tom. You KNOW how much she loves this house. You know how much i want to buy it for her. Ive worked four dead end jobs to save as much as i could. Don't come in here acting like my knight in shining armour when you're only doing it for your own selfish reasons." Tom looked up to Ashley who had started to pace slightly. "You want me to pretend to be your girlfriend so you look better? What about me? What about all the hate i'd recieve. All the threats, all the humiliating things i'd have thrown in my face! Did you even stop to think, for one second, about me.." Ashley stopped to take a deep breath. "You need to leave!" Tom stood, taking a step towards Ashley. "NOW!"

Tom stayed silent as he went to speak but then stopped. Nodding in understanding. He left without another word.

A few days had passed when Ashley knocked on Toms door, her dog Sutty, by her side. A suprised Tom answered but smiled as he stood aside, letting her in. Bobby instantly ran to greet Sutty as Ashley let her off the lead and the two ran off.

"Can i get you a drink?" Tom asked as he took her coat.

"What are the terms? What would i be required to do?" Ashley said, cutting straight to the point.

" would be like any other relationship. We would be seen together, go to premiers together. I would take you out where we will more than likley be photographed by the paps! Your average relationship!"

"Average as it can be with a celebrity 'boyfriend'" Ashley joked. "I can call it off when ever i want?"

"Of course! We wont do anything you're not comfortable with" Tom smiled.

The first time Tom had gone public with Ashley the media had a field day. Papps got them at every corner. Tom did his best to keep Ashley calm. Whispering to her to help her relax. The ruse was going on four months and Ashley was starting to fall trap to it. She had to remind herself that this was a rouse, nothing more.

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